Chapter Fifty Three

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-Dick's POV-

I sat up in my bed, rubbing my eyes and massaging my head. I didn't really remember the past two days. The Friday night had been blurry. I had called up Wally -- who had been just as stressed as I was -- and that was the last I remembered. My talk with Athena had been weeks ago, but it still bubbled in my mind and Friday & Saturday was how I released it. 

Saturday morning I remembered waking up in a nice hotel beside Wally, going to get breakfast, going out again, and then everything else was gone. 

Waking up on Sunday morning, my head was pounding. I was shocked to find that I was alone in my bed. For a few moments, I scanned my room for a sign for Barbara, and then realized my mistake. 

I wobbled to my bathroom. Looking up, I stared at my reflection. My hair was sticking out at all angles, I had deep purple rings under my eyes, and I had sharpie drawings all over my face and neck. I ignored my appearance and grabbed the Aspirin. Unscrewing the cap, I swallowed down ten pills all at once.

"Shit," I mumbled to myself, wiping at my face. The Kid Flash logo was printed on my forehead. I glared at it, thinking of Wally's face. I couldn't imagine how pissed Artemis was going to be. 

Although neither of them really cared about the ceremony, Wally's family really wanted a huge wedding. His family had been badgering them both for months, forcing them to constantly be thinking about wedding decisions and tiny little details. I knew it was stressing them out. And I knew Athena was probably helping Artemis deal with her stress, so I had to help Wally. Ever since we were seventeen, Wally and I both loved to get black out drunk.

I climbed into the shower, cleansed myself, and hopped right back out. It was a nice and bright Sunday morning. Outside my window, I could see Bludhaven clearly. Everyone was enjoying the sunny Sunday by going shopping or getting coffee. I almost wanted to go to Gotham to get some coffee at Steamin' n' Screamin'. Maybe Athena would be there also.

I made my own coffee, sipping it by the window. I really did admire and love Bludhaven. Gotham had been my upbringing, my beginning. But, Bludhaven was my home. Ever since my parents had died, I had claimed Bludhaven as my own. Living with Barbara in Gotham again was nice, but I wasn't that surprised that it ended the way it did. Barbara's home was Gotham and she needed to be there. Mine was Bludhaven and I couldn't leave it unprotected.

After my coffee, I slipped on a pair of jeans and a flannel. Fall was in full swing and I was feeling it. I strutted out of my apartment, winking and smiling at girls who passed by. I was in a great mood. A flirty mood perhaps. The headache medicine had definitely cleared up my hangover. It also helped that I had a pretty strong tolerance to alcohol. 

I walked the streets of my great city. The sunlight -- which had been missing for days due to the rain -- was shining in all its bright glory. It cast sparkles off of the glass windows of skyscrapers. The tiny trees located on street corners and in front of apartment complexes were shades of yellow, orange, or red. Almost every lamppost was wrapped in fall decor. The air smelled distinctively like cinnamon. It was definitely an improvement from smelling like gas and burnt tires.

I let my feet take over and lead me through the city. I found myself at Bludhaven's main park and open space. Just as I expected, the trees looked like a sunset. The grass was still green and freshly watered, but the leaves were anything but. They hadn't fallen off the limbs yet. It was so beautiful. Each tree was more gorgeous than the one before it. 

Being in the park, my mind couldn't help but drift. I sat on a bench, leaning back and taking in the world. I was finally at peace. It was crushing and relaxing at the same time. 

I thought of Athena. Of course I did. When I looked across the grassy hill, the one under the red and orange tree, I could almost see her. And me. We were both barely eighteen, both barely out of high school, both barely adults. Sitting beside us was a picnic basket Alfred had packed. We sat beside each other, both stubborn and reluctant to admit to loving the other, despite the pushes we received from everyone else. Nineteen year old Dick leaned in to eighteen year old Athena. Gently, contact was made.

I grinned. The memory had brought me so much grief about a month ago. Thinking about how we used to be made me mad -- or so I thought. When I finally accepted my undying feelings for Athena, I found I was never really angry. I was sad. 

My old memories now were like nuggets of gold. Thinking of them warmed me to the core. In its wake, it left a series of sharp stings, but I appreciated the warmth nonetheless. 

I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath. The air filled me up, swirling in my lungs. Although summer would forever be my favorite season, I was a die hard fan for autumn. The smells, the sights, the tastes...everything made me feel like I was home. And I was.

I spent the entire day walking around Bludhaven and checking out shops that I had never explored. I had bought so many dumb things that I didn't even need. I bought candles, candy, decorations, incense, and six different types of pumpkin. I never had time to decorate my apartment for the seasons, but Alfred always dressed the Manor up for Halloween. So, I decided to do it too. It had been awhile since I saw Alfred and the Manor.

Bruce hadn't contacted me about Jason for awhile. I don't know what was his deal or what he found. I had asked him over and over if he needed help or if he had new information and he would just blow me off. I thought Bruce and I were on the same page. But now, he had decided that Jason was his own business. Jason being alive was killing Bruce. I knew that it was killing him. But, it was killing me too. Jason had been like a brother to me. It wasn't healthy for a fifteen year old to have his brother die. Especially for a kid who had also lost his parents. Now that Jason was back -- and especially now that he was so...different -- it was breaking me down. 

I went home to my apartment, struggling to carry all my bags in one trip. I laid my pumpkins out and started to place my fake skeletons everywhere. I lit all my candles after all the decorations were up. Man, I was so cheesy.

Seeing that the sun had gone down, I stripped down and slipped on my Nightwing costume. I dove out my window, barely catching myself before I hit the street.

"Nightwing!" People on the street cheered. I waved and zip lined away. 

I twisted and turned in the air, doing tricks for myself and maybe the people below. I tuned into the police radio, waiting for a mission.

A mugging close by. I could get there before the cops could. 

As I passed by a skyscraper, I managed to catch the night sky reflected into the windows. Something immediately caught my attention. Contrasting against the blackness of the sky was a giant, glowing green blob. I turned around to look up.

I was too late.

Oh no.

~~~~~~~~~Kinda short chapter, yeah, but its because the next one is going to be so exciting. Halloween is coming up you guys! I'm not really that excited about Halloween, but I just ate a pumpkin whoopie pie and it was delicious so I was in the mood, I guess. Anyway, Happy Birthday to iSqulx! I hope your day is very exciting and that you enjoy living another year longer! Songs: Frankie Sinatra - The Avalanches. Sober - Childish Gambino~~~~~~~~~~~~

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