Chapter Fifty Five

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-Jason's POV-

The plan. It was happening. It was moving.

I had sent my little present to Bruce hours ago. Alfred was probably analyzing it at that exact moment. I had sent old Bats a message; the lock of Joker's hair was enough to draw his attention. I had extracted it myself.

As for Black Mask, Athena and I had talked to him days ago. I had made a fake agreement with him. I was watching live video feed of him safely inside my warehouse at that exact moment.

His comrades surrounded him. They all were confused, talking and mumbling quietly. Mask silenced them. "All my operations are a mess. I've had my offices blown up by a rocket, three metal pygmy meta humans wasted my time...because...well...look...You folks are my right arm. My second in commands. The 'go to' guys, and you are all great earners..."

I was surprised how hard this was for him. Almost made me feel bad for him. Almost. "But you've been under performing of late. I say the least...disappointed," Black Mask glared at his best workers.

"It ain't for lack of trying," one spoke up.

"Hey! Yeah! I could not agree more. You kids have been nailing all the cliches. 'Nose to the grindstone,' 'hitting on all cylinders,' 'working your fingers to the bone.'"

Another one turned towards Mask. A familiar frown on his face. "It's this damned Red Hood."

"He hits us hard. He hits us dirty. How are we supposed to deal with a guy who won't deal?"

"He's gotta die!"

"Yeah. But that's the thing. Hes a damn cockroach, man. Fucker just won't die."

"Right. I think we gotta find a way reach some middle ground. Some way that he will take a deal with us."

Black Mask lowered his head, finally speaking up over his men again. "I have."

They all started talking again, hopeful. "Yeah!? What is it? Money or territory? It better be money because it ain't gonna be territory..."

"Not really your problem anymore." Black Mask pulled out an Uzi. His eyes went wide as he fired off bullets, killing every unsuspecting person in the room. Once everyone was in a peaceful permanent sleep, he dropped the gun and turned towards the door. "Happy?"

My body double stepped out. I smirked. "Getting there..." I said through my microphone that I embedded inside my helmet.

"What the hell do you mean 'getting there'!? I just signed a contract by wasting all my second in commands!"

"And I appreciate that."

"I don't want your damned appreciation! I expect your obedience!" He was fired up now, "This is called detente, you sick, demented moron!"

I almost laughed out loud. I wish Athena was there to watch everything unfold with me, but she still hadn't shown up at the meeting point. I tried not to think about it. "I think you may have misunderstood the terms of our--"

"Are you completely off your bullet-headed nut!? You came to me -- TO ME -- wanting to put an end to this! 'Really Mask' You said, 'I'm all done with the whacked out mad bomber routine. I want a seat at the table.'

"'Go to hell,' I say, 'despite the fact that I'd rather take all my capos, set them on fire and pitch them off an airplane -- I need them. And if I brought you in, I'd lose trust. And I'd never get another honest day out them again' such as it is," Black Mask ranted, shoving his finger into my double's face.

I wasn't fazed whatsoever. "But you had a way around it."

"Yeah! Gutting every one of 'em and promoting new ones. Ones who are still green enough to be loyal despite me getting in bed with your twisted, grenade throwing ass!" He stormed across the room, looking over his shoulder, " gut is telling me that you have had a change in attitude."

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