Chapter Eleven

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-Dick's POV-

I sat on my back, my eyes refusing to close. The blankets wrapped me up so tightly I felt like I was drowning. I shoved the blankets off aggressively. I stood up and walked over to the window. The sun still hadn't came up yet, casting Bludhaven in a sheet of darkness.

I looked back at the bed, Barbara's red hair poking out on the white pillows. I smiled. I had found happiness. I knew that. Yet, why did I still feel so empty?

I clenched my teeth. I hated that Athena still had a hold on me. I hated that despite the gorgeous girl laying in my bed, I still felt sad. I ran my hand down my bare chest. I noted every tiny scar that marked me. But, every scar I felt, I was reminded of Athena.

I hadn't seen her since she first got out of the hospital. I was still trying to put our fight out of my mind. Especially how betrayed she sounded when she talked about Barbara. Her tone gave me shivers. I wanted to be so angry all the times, but it was exhausting. I still wanted to know if she was okay.

An image of her skinny, starved body flashed. Scars -- fresh ones that she hadn't told me about -- littered every inch of her skin. What did you do?

I stood over Barbara, watching her snore softly. Leaning down, I pressed a kiss onto her back. She shivered slightly. I giggled quietly, making her wake up. Her green eyes slowly opened. I got back into bed and sat on top of her.

Barbara was beautiful in every way. My eyes devoured the sight of her naked body. She blinked up at me, trying to analyze what I was thinking. I was just noting everything I loved about her. Her fiery red hair, her perfect lips, her delicate body...

It was such a contrast to Athena. Seeing Athena naked for the first time was like a true honor. She was always so hidden away. Her body was tight and powerful. Barbara had muscles too, but she had more of a softer body. It was the kind you would want to hold all day. Athena's was the kind you would want to...well, definitely more than hold.

Feeling embarrassed by thinking of Athena naked, I blushed. Barbara's hand reached up and caressed my hot cheek. Her pink nails scratched me slightly. I bent down and met her lips with mine. They were so soft. It was the feeling of fragile love. I enjoyed the comfortableness of being with stable, loving Barbara.

I needed to stop thinking about Athena. I had a beautiful girl who loved me. I wouldn't trade Barbara for anything or anyone. Athena was just a fling. Barbara was the type of girl you would bring home to meet your parents; the type of girl you would marry. Athena had made herself clear. I could be happy with Barbara. Athena had broken her connection with me. I was free. I could love who I wanted. I needed to get her out of my mind.

"I love you," I said. It come out as more of a statement than confession, but Barbs didn't notice. She smiled and sat up. I was straddling her as she stared at me.

"I love you too," she replied, kissing me. I shoved my hands into her hair, gripping it in my knuckles as I deepened the kiss and connection between us. She purred in delight, causing me to push her back in excitement.

With a smirk on her face, Barbara grabbed my back, pulling me down over her.


I sat on the edge of the Capital Building of Bludhaven. I scoured every file I could find looking for Red Hood. I knew of the past Red Hood. My parents were still alive when Red Hood was running around Gotham. We were traveling through New York when I first heard about the criminal. I found it so interesting. I heard that Batman the Gotham Vigilante was going after him.

My parents told me there were heroes out there. Before Batman and all the other heroes came onto the scene, the world was so dark. Criminals ran rampage without any true punishment. The Justice system was corrupted, filled with its own criminals. But, then Batman came out.

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