Chapter Fourteen

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-Athena's POV-

I swung around in the sky quickly, following the GPS on my watch. It had been awhile since I had a specific target, but tonight, I was going after some powerful drug leaders. Gotham had always been a drug smuggling town, but with appearance of Red Hood, the drug business was sky rocketing.

I silently landed in the rafters of a warehouse. Two groups of men stood, talking. They were obviously trading and discussing with each other.

"It feels...light," One of the two leaders said, holding a green duffel bag in his hand. He looked angry and ready to pounce. I smiled. Maybe tonight was going to be interesting...

"It's not light. And quit moaning, man. This ain't a buy. Just take it to the Man," the other guy ordered. He looked to be of some Asian decent. He had a long, slick black pony tail and a goatee. I was fascinated with his tattoos. 

"He doesn't want product. He wants his cut," Duffle bag guy growled, tossing the bag to the ground.

"Well, I can't move this weight. I don't want to move this weight."

I leaned closer, trying to figure out what they were arguing about. 

"The man says you should move up in the world," one of Duffle Bag's body guards whispered in his ear, "Expand your horizons and all that."

Was the Man Red Hood? Or was it Black Mask? This turf war was getting very confusing. Both seemed to be at equal levels of power in Gotham. I had to hand it to Red Hood. He had only been around for three months and was already at the top of the ranks. Black Mask had been in Gotham for over a year.

"Look," the tattoo guy put his hands up in mock surrender, "This is all way too much action for me. Truth...dude scares me. I'm out."

Duffel bag guy pushed him. "Man, you don't get to make that call. This isn't some Little Leaguer game. You're out only when the Man says you're out."

I had thought the two had been rivals. But, tattoo guy and duffel bag were working together. Duffel Bag was higher in the ranks than Tattoo Guy, and it showed. Duffel Bag was definitely more dominate, indicating his power. Tattoo Guy was just the delivery boy and he had failed. Now, he was scared and trying to get out before anything else went wrong. Coward.

I couldn't help but think it. As soon as I did, I felt bad. Is that the kind of thing a hero does? Would a hero criticize a person for trying to get away from danger? I guess I was programmed to think like a criminal more than I thought. Was I even a hero at all?

"I've got a better idea," I called out from the shadows, leaning out over the railings, "You idiots hand over the drugs, and I'll just kick your asses a little bit." I smirked.

The guys looked up at me, their guns at the ready. "Who's that?" One of the bodyguards asked.

"Who cares? Take her out!" Another shouted, firing at me. 

I leaped from my hiding spot. I clenched my hand in a fist. "No harm in trying," I sighed, landing in the middle of the men and cracking a guy across the face, "I haven't seen you guys around here before! New to the neighborhood?" I grabbed one of their heads, using it for balance as I elbowed a guy in the stomach and kicked Tattoo guy in the face. 

"Yeah. Maybe you could show us all the hot spots," A bodyguard held a gun against my head. I was surprised he got that close to me. I'd make him regret it.

"Maybe another time," I said, disarming him and throwing my palm straight up into his jaw. His neck snapped back with a crack and he tumbled to the ground.

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