Chapter Twenty Three

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-Dick's POV-

"Ugh," I groaned, sitting up. My head was killing me. And the bright lights above me wasn't helping.

Once I cleared my vision, I took a better look at my surroundings. I was inside the Batcave. Next to me was a bloody side table with fresh instruments still out. The top half of my Nightwing costume was removed and my chest was once again covered in bandages.

I was laying down on the operation table. In the corner of the room, Alfred was washing hands. I rubbed at my aching head, getting my fingers tangled up in the gauze wrapped around my forehead. "Alfred," I called out, "how did I get here?"

Alfred turned around with a smile. "Master Dick, you're finally awake. Would you like something to drink?" He handed me a glass of water and two Advils. I chugged it down and swallowed the pills dry.

My headache started to go down a little, but I could still feel my head throbbing. The cave was perceptually dark, so I couldn't tell what time of day it was. I was still confused how I ended up at Wayne Manor.

I thought about what had happened. The last thing I remembered was fighting Nightingale. She had beaten me to let Red Hood get away. That explained the bandages around my head. No doubt Alfred had given me stitches.

But I passed out on top of the building. How did I get to the Batcave?

I stumbled to my sore legs and stretched my arms. "Alfred, seriously. How did I end up here?" I asked again, grasping Alfred by his shoulder.

"Master Bruce retrieved you after you sent out a distress signal," Alfred wiped his hands, "He brought you here and I stitched up your head wound and bandaged your broken ribs. Would you like something to eat?"

Just as he asked, my stomach growled, sending echos throughout the cave. I laughed and began unwrapping the bandages around my head. "Yeah. What time is it?" I took a deep breath, catching my own scent. "Oh god, I smell awful!"

"You're welcome to take a shower, Master Dick, and stay the night if you wish." Alfred led me up the stairs and back into the mansion. As we exited the cave, I looked at the grandfather clock guarding the entrance.

It was a little past midnight, lucky for me. I had gone out on patrol after Red Hood around eight o'clock. I didn't know how long I had been passed out or how long ago Bruce picked me up, but it was still early in the night.

I sat down at the kitchen bar as Alfred prepared me a dinner. I leaned back in my chair and yawned. "Did Bruce go back on patrol?"

Alfred nodded. "Yes. Everyone is working hard on the Red Hood case."

I chewed my lip. Everyone was working hard against Red Hood, except for Nightingale. The weight that she was working with him was pressing on me. How did they even get together? Red Hood was the type of person Athena used to be. When she first showed up, she was very similar to Red Hood. But I thought that her time with us had changed that. Even though she had shown her true colors when she abandoned us, I thought she had given up her old habits.

I guess going back with the League of Assassins had reverted her back to her original ideals.

Alfred placed a full plate of food in front of me. I didn't hesitate to choke the food down. I hadn't eaten since my lunch break and the blood loss had caused me to feel starved. Alfred laughed as he watched me. "Just like you were a boy, Master Dick," he remarked.

I smiled, revealing the food stuck in my teeth. I swallowed gulps of water between chunks of food. I finished the entire plate off in less than three minutes. My stomach felt like it had grown several sizes. I patted my abs just to be sure.

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