Chapter Forty Two

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-Athena's POV-

"You'll seriously regret this," I mumbled, looking up through the swelled up slit that was my eye, "I mean, seriously."

Another fist cracked across my face, knocking one of my molars out. I spit the broken tooth and some blood out onto the concrete floor. "Motherfucker! Do you know how much a good dentist costs nowadays!?" I called out.

My captor didn't seem very amused. He was wearing a mask over his nose and mouth, but I could still see that he was grimacing. I could feel my cheek starting to swell up, making it kind of hard to speak. That didn't stop me though.

"Now," the man on the computer screen said, "We know you're Red Hood's little girlfriend. We also know that you snuggled up with Nightwing and the Bat. Looks like you have many interesting things to offer us." The voice was decoded. The computer had a camera on it, but it was one sided. The man could see me, but he was too much of a coward to show his face.

I laughed. Really loud cackles spewed out of my bloody lips. The bodyguards tensed up, but they didn't silence me. "You can hold me here as long as you possibly can and I won't even tell you what I had for breakfast."

"Silence her," the man ordered with no hesitation.

"Aye! What? No! That's not necessary! I--" One of the guards tied a black gag tightly around my mouth before punching me again. I was glad that my mask protection had worked. When they first tied me down, one reached forward to try to peal off my mask, but his finger turned bright red as electric volts were sent through his shuddering body.

The interrogation continued for about another hour. The ropes and bands that held me rubbed against my body and constricted me. My limbs started to constrict and my neck was bent in an uncomfortable position. My face was most likely purple all over with blood gushing, but I didn't even care. Nothing hurt.

"Tell us what Red Hood wants with Black Mask!" The man roared form his computer body. One of the bodyguards grabbed my hair and pulled my head back, throwing his knuckles into my cheek again.

I rolled my eyes and strained to see. Through my swollen eyes, I took a peek at the time on the laptop. Any minute now...

A knock at the door captured my attention. If my neck wasn't tied so tightly against the board I was pressed onto, I would've turned to look at the door. The entire room held their breath. As silence overtook the room, the faint sound of me giggling in excitement could be heard even with my gag.

Suddenly and loudly, the door blasted open and Jason dove through, tossing down a smoke grenade. I closed my eyes and stayed in place. Although I could escape, I wanted to be sure that our plan was completely successful before I moved.

Jason quickly took out all the guards before picking up the laptop. "Hello," Jason said, laughing, "this didn't go as well as you planned."

"Red Hood. I won't kill your girlfriend if you tell me your endgame," The man sounded desperate. I smiled underneath my gag.

"How Tell Black Mask that he won't have any territory in Gotham left," Jason smirked under his helmet, "Oh and Li, you won't be alive for much longer." Jason smashed the computer and turned towards me.

He stood in front of me, his arms crossed. I looked down at him. He just kept staring back. "Mmm ymmm mmfmm!" I shouted, trying to wiggle around.

"Okay, okay," Jason chuckled softly, untying my legs and arms. I rubbed my wrists and thighs. I reached up to untie my gag, but Jason's fingers stopped me. "Allow me." He carefully held up my hair and ripped apart the gag.

My lips were swollen and purple. "I think you might have a kink, Jason Todd," I teased. Jason shook his head.

"In a business where you're always getting tied up, there's no way ropes are appealing," Jason said, running a finger down my face, "Damn girl, you look awful."

I shrugged. Tossing my hair over my shoulder, I sighed. Jason cocked his head to the side. "Come on, let's get back to the safe house."

I nodded and allowed Jason to place me on his motorcycle. I had been tied up for three days, waiting for Jason to arrive. The men who captured me had given me enough information to get the ball rolling again.

When we arrived, Jason led me inside. I didn't even go down into the safe house. I stayed above ground in his shitty apartment. I plopped down onto the couch. Jason paused to look at me before tossing an ice pack my way. It landed directly on my sore core. "Ow!"

Jason chuckled. I tried to look at him, but my neck ached.

I heard him shuffle across the floor to sit at the end of the couch. Out of the corner of my eye, I examined him. "You okay? I could order us something to eat," Jason offered.

"I'm starving," I managed to say with my swollen mouth. I licked the place where my molar was missing, coating my tongue in blood.

Tugging out his phone, Jason leaned against the coach arm. "Pizza? Chinese? Tacos?"

I groaned loudly. "Hey Jay," I said softly, "Can you please rub my neck? I can't move it."

"Okay. Turn over," Jason agreed, sitting behind me. He flipped my hair over my shoulder. Slowly, his fingers crept up my spine until they touched my neck. He tugged the zipper on my uniform, pulling it down until my back was exposed. His fingers grazed the exposed skin on my neck, rubbing out every twisted muscle. I got goosebumps. Jason noticed and stopped, moving his hands to grasp my shoulders. "Cold?" His voice was warm and wispy, his mouth right beside my ear.

Feeling things heating up, I smirked softly. "The opposite," I replied. He pressed his lips to my bare shoulders, kissing up my neck slowly until he caught my ear lobe between his teeth. I bit my lip, tasting blood.

As one hand grasped my shoulder the other snaked around my waist, inching ever so close to my exposed chest. With my freshly massaged neck, I turned to look at Jason through my peripheral vision. His eyes were closed and his hair had fallen into his face.

Just as his lips reached my jaw, my stomach growled. Loud. So loud in fact, I felt Jason jump slightly as his eyes snapped open. He reared back and grabbed his phone off the floor. "Guess you really are hungry, huh?" He laughed, calling a pizza place.

I laid back, frustrated. After ending his call, Jason sat down beside me again. He put his feet up on the table, taking quick glances at me. I laid my feet on his lap and he didn't even care. We both leaned back and closed our eyes, resting.

I couldn't hide my surprise. "What're we doing?" I said outloud, shocked that I couldn't keep my mouth closed.

"I know. How long have we been 'dating' for? I've never gone this long without fucking," Jason admitted, patting my shin. I nodded in agreement.

"Seriously. We're both so..."

"It's okay to admit it, Athena. We both are pretty hot," Jason smirked, moving the white curl off of his forehead.

I smiled. "It's pretty shocking. I didn't know we had that much self control."

Jason sighed and nodded. He ran his hand through his hair and put the other on my upper thigh. "Is your face okay?" He asked, his eyes running across my beaten face.

"It's fine. I'm fine," I replied, closing my eyes, "Would it be too much to ask for a back rub?"

"Of course not," Jason rolled me over and climbed onto my lower back, pressing his palms into each vertebrae.

My bruised eyelids fluttered closed as Jason's fingers dug into my sore muscles. All traces of lust were fleeting and almost nonexistent. Despite the fact that my uniform was almost completely off, we both were composed. I fell asleep to the quiet sounds of Jason's singing. Who knew he liked to sing?

~~~~~~~~~Another chapter!! This one is so cute to me idek. I get so much inspiration for chapters like this from tumblr lol. Hope everyone is still enjoying this story!~~~~~~~

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