Chapter Forty Seven

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-Athena's POV-

We returned to one of Jason's safe houses. I let him lean on me, like always. It seemed like every time I was with Jason, he was always getting hurt. I tried to put the thought out of my mind but his wound looked very painful. I wrapped my arm around his waist and steered him towards the couch.

This safe house was actually more of a home. It was the one we both went to when we actually wanted to sit down. I had only one safe house and there was little to no furniture in it, so I hadn't visited it for weeks. Most of Jason's safe houses were modeled like mine, except with more expensive gear.

This safe house was located only a few blocks from Arkham Asylum, so Jason told me he bought it really cheap. He also told me that he only started using it once I came on board. I tried to hide my blush, but I couldn't help it. The house had hardwood floors and white, brick walls. There was a comfy plush couch and one black love seat. There was a tiny kitchen and even a bedroom with a queen bed!

Gently, I pushed Jason's body down into the couch. "Ouch," Jay whimpered. I rolled my eyes.

"I will kill Black Mask with my own two hands," I hissed. Jay chuckled. I whipped my eyes back to face him, glaring over my shoulder. "What are you laughing at?"

"It's not that big of a deal," Jason reclined back, covering his eyes with his arm, "I've dealt with worse."

I stalked over to where he laid and stood over him. He moved his arm slightly, looking at me with one of his eyes. He squinted. "Black Mask thinks he can send assassins after us!? He thinks he can hurt you!? He's got another thing coming. Another fucking thing. Nightingale will be the last word on his lips before I send him off to his maker." I popped my knuckles and envisioned Black Mask dead at my feet. Flames lit my pupils and my lips stretched into a power hungry smile.

Jason just busted out laughing. He continuously cheered out, the sound of his genuine laugh filling the room and making it feel like home. He clutched his stomach and heefed, his face turning pink and tears brimming in his eyes. I crossed my arms and tried to pout. It just encouraged his laughter. He laughed, and laughed, and laughed.

And then I laughed. And laughed. And laughed.

Within a minute, we were both cackling like we'd never heard a joke before. I was on the ground on my back with my arms wrapped tightly around my aching abs.

"Ow, ow, ow," Jason wheezed, holding his injury each time he let out another chuckle. Finally, the noise subsided and our laughs dimmed into warming smiles. I peeked up over the couch and stared at Jason. He stared back lovingly.

His gaze cut straight through me, lighting little fires in its wake. The feeling inside of me reminded me of Christmas at the circus. My mother would snuggle me close to the fire after the Christmas show, kissing my cheeks and tickling me gently. It also reminded me of the times Ra's would compliment me during my training. It was a feeling of familiarity and comfort. It was a feeling of home, of family.

Jay's fingers wove their way into mine and he tugged gently. My legs bounced me up into the air. I crawled on top of Jason's warm body, pressing my face into his hard chest. His breaths rose me up and down. I looked up and he was still looking down at me. Slowly and tenderly, I inched closer until we shared the same breath. I glanced up into his eyes then back down at his lips. Climbing a centimeter closer, I pressed my lips against his.

Although he would never admit it, Jason Todd loved fall. His lips tasted like pumpkin from the fall treats I knew he enjoyed. Kissing deeper, I could also taste the distinct spiciness of cinnamon whiskey. Kissing him was like jumping into a pile of leaves or carving pumpkins.

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