Corning Jr. Rodeo

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"Hey there Baby were not running the pattern yet Em! Haha just a nice canter please." "Cassidy On Ember your runner up please be getting ready." "That's us girly! Let's start heading over!" After the girl ahead of me went I walked Ember into the arena to run poles. We took off for the other end of the arena and turned the final pole, weaving down turning and weaving back up. We turned and ran for home! "That's 21.502s putting Cassidy in the lead!" "Yes! Beautiful girly!" I pet her neck and headed for my family and friends. "Oh my gosh! Cassidy that was amazing!" My friend Lauren said. "She's never ran like that!" Replied Kate. "I'm so proud of you guys!" Miranda finished. "Thank you all! Good luck Lauren! Go get em!" She was next then only five more before tie down roping, which none of us did. But we did do what came up in two events, barrel racing! After walking Ember out I headed over to the outdoor warm up ring. We walked, trotted, and cantered before turning towards a barrel. I did my perfect circle drill, which is where you start far away from the barrel and you make a perfect circled spiral in toward the barrel and back out. Then switch directions. It makes you really nauseous.
As I was trotting barrel turns I noticed a cute boy watching me from the fence. I decided to be brave and trot over to say hi. "Hi there!" "Howdy! Sorry if I'm being a creeper but I couldn't help but watch how you and your horse moved together." He said smiling. "Well thank you very much for that compliment!" I could feel myself blushing. "My names Colton Williams." "Nice to meet you! I'm Cassidy Sabral!" "Just wondering how much do you know about training?" Colton asked me wonderingly. "Well I trained a three year old gelding." I replied. "From start?" "Yes under Dan Gunter." "Really? Hmm how would you respond to a job offer?" "As a trainer? For you?" "Yea! I mean I'd have to give you an interview but yea! My dad needs another trainer for the ranch and I like the way you handle horses. " "Well I'd have to talk to my parents but I would so want to!" "Ok I'll grab my horse and I can interview you!" "Ok!" He hopped on an average sized quarter mare. She was a pretty sorrel and absolutely beautiful! "So how reliable are you?" He asked me. "With a schedule pretty reliable but I bet you'd have a hard time keeping me away!" "Because of the horses or me?" He asked smirking. "Maybe a little of both! But definitely more the horses!" I laughed and he did too. "How old are you?" "I am almost 16!" "Cool I just turned 16! Do you have a boyfriend?" "Is that question for the job or you?" "Little bit of both but more me!" He winked and I laughed at his flirts. "One more question not relating the job." "Ok!" "Do you know how to rope?" "I've never roped on her or in competition." I responded truthfully. "But you know how to throw a head shot?" "Yes why?" "Because I lost my header an d really need a header." "Well I've never practiced." "Then let's go! Team roping is coming up!" He laughed and we went for the roping chutes. We practiced first on the dummy. "Dang girl you can rope!" "Haha thank you!" "Let's try a real steer!" We got ready and took off, I roped it and pulled it back for Colton he got both hind feet. "If we do that in there it would be great!" "Ok i need to talk to my parents though! Come with me so they can meet you!" "Ok!" "Cass where you goin?" I hear Lauren yell. "Hold on and I'll tell y'all everything." I reply. "Ok."

"Hey mom this is Colton!" "Hi Colton! My name is Tiffany." "Pleasure to meet you!" "So Colton lost his heading partner and asked if I could be his new partner!" "But you don't know how to rope!" "She sure can rope! You should have seen her! It was amazing!" "Really you can rope on that thing?" She asked referring to my crazy ass mare. "Yes I actually can!" "Ok go ahead and try!" She laughed and they called the ropers to be getting ready. We walked over and ran into my friends again. "Hey guys!" "Hi! Who's this?" They ask referring to Colton. "Lauren, Kate, Mimi, this is Colton. Colton this in Lauren, Kate and Miranda." I say pointing to each as I say their names. "Nice to meet you all!" "Back at ya!" "Well we got to go team rope!" "What?!" They were all surprised. "Why is everyone so surprised I can rope?" "It's not you it's your horse!" "Haha ok let's go Cass." "Alright see y'all after!" They shouted, "Good luck!"

They called our names and we got set up in the corners. "Don't go until the steers running." He said as a reminder. "Ok!" "Nod when your ready!" I waited a second longer and sat deep before nodding my head. The steer took off and I kicked Ember forward after him. I roped the head immediately, dallied and pulled him around for Colton. Colt caught the heals and we finished with a time of 3.421s. We were the second to last so we and this was the fastest time so far. The last people went and didn't get the heal. "Do you know what you just did?" "We just won team roping!" I squealed putting emphasis on the 'we'. I hugged him out of habit then realed back embarrassed. "Come here!" He pulled me into a hug. All my friends came over squealing and congratulating us. "I want to introduce you to my grandma!" She can tell if he's a good guy. "Bobbi!" I shouted when I saw her. "Cass! Did you seriously just go team rope with some guy and win!?" She asked proudly. "Yes I did! Also that guy is right over there!" "Him? He's a good looking cowboy!" She joked. "Colton come on over!" I yelled. "Colton this is my grandma." "Hi I'm Cheryl!" "Nice to meet you I'm Colton!" He shook her hand and she had a good glint in her eye. "Hey I'm gonna go check on my horse and I'll catch up with you in a sec!" He smiled brightly at me before walking away. "Bye see you in a bit!" I replied. "So Bobbi guess what!" "What?" "He lives on a ranch in Chico and he offered me a job at his dad's ranch! As a trainer!" "Really?" "Yes!" "What did your mom say?" "I haven't told her yet...I was hopping you could talk her into it." I said shyly. "Alright fine. He's a good looking boy. You should keep ropin with him. Now go get ready for barrels." "Ok love you!" I ran off to get on Ember and run a 16 sec flat barrel run that gave me $65.

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