"How can I get through this?"

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Sunday! Rodeo day! I'm excited Day! Ok I'll stop! Small gymkhana today and I plan to have fun, lots of fun! We have a surprise event added onto the six original events.
There was poles, single stake, birangle, quadrangle, hurry scurry, and barrels. Colton brought the unsold horses so we could show them off.
First was birangle, we ran to the right pole and turned it clockwise. Then we ran straight across to the second pole and turned clockwise again before burnin it up home. We go a time of 14.422s, first place. 
After Ember I cantered each of the colts through. They were in rookie division.
Following was poles we ran down turned the pole and started weaving. We rolled through the motions and had the smoothest rhythm. We ran a 22.273s. First place! Then the wild crazy horses went through. Haha just kidding the babies were perfect.
Third we ran single stake. Just one turn at the end of the arena. One pole, right or left. Sounds easy right? Nope! If your horse doesn't rate itself you will never get around that pole tight enough to get a good time. Luckily we ran an 8.759s run. No one can beat that. That's an arena record.
All the trainees did well.
We had a nice lunch, we bring me joined by ALL of my friends. There were probably 15 people in my group because I have friends spread out across the county due to my events. Everyone was at this event.
Fourth was quadrangle, and it went well if I say so myself. 19.740s was our time and it was a AAA time that would be hard to beat. My mare is the most incredible and skilled horse I could ever ask for.
Next was hurry scurry, we ran up to the first jump and turned the pole tight and jumped the second jump. 9.826s another first place.
Before barrels we had the the surprise event which turned out to be goat tying. I practiced my tie on my horn while waiting for my run. Ember wasn't jacked up like normal before an event which was weird but she wasn't acting lethargic or in any pain so I blew it off.
We entered the arena and immediately ran toward the goat. I pulled her up enough to slide off. Afterwards I ran to and tied my goat. 7.774s was my time. It was incredible I was so proud of my mare for actually staying straight all the way through. Also she did the roping stop.
I could run them with Ember on this because it's just like roping.
Lastly we had barrels. I entered the arena slowly and took in the grounds. Huge grandstands all around, lots of people and horses around. I told her to take off for the first barrel and turned it tight, speeding for the second. The second was close but it wasn't touched. We whipped around the third and I saw the gate. We flew towards it. In those last three seconds I saw him by the gate, he was cheering my name, encouraging me on. In those same three seconds I felt the misstep. The one fatal move she made unconsciously. Moving her foot slightly to the outside, just millimeters caused the crash. A millisecond later I was flying toward the arena sand and looked back at my horse. She was falling too, and falling fast. I watched until I myself hit the dirt. As they always say,"If you not making dust, your eatin it."
Then blackness.........

Oooh cliffhanger! Ok well this is the end of the book there will not be a sequel.

Haha just kidding. Keep reading.

I could hear mushy voices and a steady beeping. "Hahfujanajdjjcbss." Was all I could make out for a few minutes. Then it was quite. "Cassi, if you can hear me. I need you to show me a sign your gonna be ok. Anything will do. Just in case you don't wanna wake up because you think Ember is dead, she's not. She's alive. So please baby. Wake up for her, and for me." I could hear Colton's voice. I'm so glad I remember him. I must be in a coma. Well shittin ass coma I'm not havin this!
I try to pry my eyes open but nothing happens. So I try squeezing the hand Colt is holding. YES! "Doctor! Doctor?!" "Yes Colton?" "She squeezed my hand!" "Really? Let me run some tests...Cassidy, can you hear me?..." I wanted to scream,"Yes! Yes! I can hear you!" But of course nothing! "...if you hear my voice wiggle your toes." I did. "Other foot?" Again. "Now squeeze my finger." I did that too. "Can you open your eyes sweetheart?" I heard Colton. So I tried again. I slowly opened my eyes after five minutes of trying. No one was in my room any more. "Colton?" My voice was raspy. "Cassidy!" He said excited as he burst through the door of my hospital room. "Yep!" I said then hugged him. "Ow!" I saw my arm. "Aw not again!!!!" My right wrist was broken...again! Plus there was this huge brace on my knee. "Sprained you knee, broke your forearm, and almost broke your ankle." "How is Ember?" "Do you remember what happened?" "Yes. Every detail." I replied sadly. "I'm so sorry! Let's go see Ember." He put me in a wheelchair and took me out to the equestrian hospital.
We went to a stall that had "Ember" written with "Ivys Fox" below it and "Cassidy Sabral" below that. Colt opened the door and wheeled me in. She was lying down sleeping. She also had a wrap on her forearm. "What happened to her?" "Same as you." He said. Strange. "Did we do well at the gymkhana?" "You won." Her forearm was fractured, only hairline but still not good. She would need special boots from now on. Her hock was sprained and the ankle below that knee was almost broke. "Will she ever race again? Will I?" I asked the second more to myself than anyone else. "Yes she will in due time. But she will need special braces for a year to prevent future happenings. I heard a familiar female voice. "Dr. Jesse!" I hugged her and cried for the first time today. "How will I get through this?" "It's ok sweetheart. It's ok."

I spent the night with Ember. After running away from "security". We needed each other to heal.

I dedicate this chapter to WranglerGirl97 for giving me this idea. Thank you for your help through my writers block.

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