If It Don't Hurt You Ain't Doin It Right! "Rodeo!"

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We were loading up for the Jr. Rodeo this weekend. It's Saturday and the rodeo starts in three hours. It takes us one hour to get there, one hour to sign in and tack up, then the final hour is warming up.

"First up is our barrel racers." Yelled the announcer. Quite a few riders went before me but in no time my name was called. I went in flipped on my go pro and took off for the right barrel. I turned clockwise and pushed on to the second. There I turned counterclockwise and kicked it to three. Finally I whipped around it and set her free on the way home. "16.574! That puts Cassidy in the lead." After all the riders went I was only worried about the one time I didn't hear because it looked hella fast! I ran over to the sheet to see I barely beat her. Her time was 16.575!
"Ropers!" First was tie down, followed by break away, and finally team. I got 5s on break away and Colton got 4s. In team we came out on top with 6s. Pole bending went well I got third because of a knocked pole. Finally was goat tying. I came in and took off for the goat at top speed. Someone was really excited about my run and waved a flag with my name on it. It was nice and all but my mare freaked and threw me a wild one. I rode the first but then came the second the opposite way. I came off did a front flip, somersaulted, I stood up and ran for my goat. I tied it and looked at my time before I blacked out, 3.120s.
*Colton's POV* surprise!
"Oh my god! Cassidy!" I ran to her when she blacked out. "Someone get an ambulance on the way!" I shouted. She finished her run but now she's definitely hurt. "Ugh..." I felt her shift. "Hey hey. Don't move." "Colton I'm fine. I blacked out of fear and adrenaline. Trust me I'm not hurt at all." "Are you sure?" "Yes!" She stood up and winced slightly at her right knee. "Just from the landing." I helped her walk the few feet to her horse while the crowd cheered for her. She got on Em and I walked her out of the arena while she waved at people.
*Cassidy's POV*
Colt gave me some ice for my knee while he took care of the horses and got our awards. I secretly put it on my throbbing wrist. I knew it was at least sprained but I have a brace I can sneak. We drove home, it being only 1 we decided to work with some of our colts. Yay me! *note the sarcasm* We got some horses out and started working. We finally got to the last of the horses, the toughest horse I am training right now, Sky. The big palomino overo is a pain in the ass. He is still bucking after all the time put under saddle. I asked him for a quick canter and he went into a bucking fit. I rode it for awhile before he threw a surprise twist which sent me rolling. I groaned on the ground as I heard Colton gallop over and dismount quickly. "You ok?" "Yea my wrist just hurts." What? I'm not lying! "Let's go get some ice and IBUPROFEN." "Sounds good to me!" We took care of the two and called it a day. He put some ice on my wrist and went to doctor my scraps. "That wrist is already pretty swollen maybe I should drive you to the hospital and get it checked." He suggested. "No I'm fine. Really. I am." "Ok well you should get home then." We got in his truck and started down the road.
"Wait this isn't the way to my house. Colton!" I said his name slowly and he looked at me guiltily. "I said I was fine. I don't need to get it checked." "I don't care, you are anyways." We stopped at the hospital and sat in the waiting area. "Cassidy we're ready for you." We walked back with the nurse, me with a scowl on my face. After my X-ray the doctor came in, I still had a scowl/glare directed at Colt. "Looks like you don't wanna be here. Well I'm glad you convinced her to come. You have broken your wrist." "What? Broken? No it can't be broke I have colts to train!" I panicked. "Hey hey it will be fine you don't have to worry about that. It will be like workmens comp. haha." "So you can't ride for two weeks then after that be very careful so maybe only ride the good horses." He joked. Ugh. I groaned before we walked out after I got a cast.
"Ok you can handle the paperwork and sale talks." "But I want to ride." "I'm sorry! Let's get you home."
We got home and I did some homework.

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