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After a long night with the squad it was a sluggish Thursday morning. I went through all the routines of a school morning and headed off to the dreaded place I have to attend. I went through first through fourth periods then caught up with the squad for lunch. After an uneventful lunch I went to six and seventh periods. After I went to work with Colton. "You ready to start riding?" He asked me excitedly. "Hell yea! We get to choose the horses today right?" "Sorta. We are splitting them between us but we don't get to pick all of the ones we train. We each get to pick five then the rest are random." "Oh ok sounds great." "So we have a pretty good system here so it won't take all day to care for them. We have a groom and he helps out a lot!" "What's his name?" "Dan." "Ok what's this system?" "So we tack the first horse and take it out, we ride them about 30 minutes each. While we're riding them Dan tacks up the next two so we can drop grab and go. He takes the horse, untacked it, and puts it on the hot walker. Finally he tacks up the next horse and so on. When the hot walker is full he takes the first horse and ties it to the fence then puts the new horse on. And this process repeats. When we're done we groom and wash the horses, if needed, then feed and put everything away. By the time everything is done it's 8:30 pm and then we can do homework in the barn office and at 9 I can drive you home." He smiled at the end of his long speech. "Wow! Seems like a great plan! Ooh we're here let's get ridin'!" We got the lists of horses we'd be training.

So that means Colton's has to be
Ole Red

We got started and rode our first horses. We lead them out to the sand arena. Now it was time for the hard part, getting on and staying on. I quickly swung up into the saddle and Duke leaped into the air full Bronc. "Cassidy!" Colton yelled when he saw. "Fine!" I rode through and let him get it all out before collecting the reins. I asked him for a walk and he shot forward, luckily I had a great seat so I stayed on. I let him get it out again, then asked him to walk forward. This time he obeyed. By the time we both got the horses to walk it was time to head back. We went through this with all the other horses then went to finish the process by washing the horses. As we were washing I accidentally might have gotten Colton wet. "Did you just hose me?" "Maybe..." I said backing away. "Hey you two play after the horses are done." "Yes Dan." We finished with all the chores then I soaked Colton. He turned and looked me dead in the eyes. "Oh it's on!" He ran after me and scooped me up. He ran for the closest water trough. He tossed me in it and smirked. "Now can you help me out?" I asked. He held out his hand and I took ahold of it. When he was off guard I pulled him in as well. We were laughing then he kissed me. He kissed me again! "Cassidy, you are one of the most beautiful and skilled girls I've ever met. I was wondering if you would go out with me?" "Like on a date?" "Yes." "I'd love to!" I leapt up and hugged him. After we decided we were a couple we climbed out of the trough and went to change. I put on one of his shirts and a pair of his sweats. We sat down for our homework. After home work he drove me home and kissed me goodnight. I could get used to this!

Butte Star Romance **Finished**Where stories live. Discover now