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*Three years later*
We just got married due to the news we are having a baby! A lot has happened over the last three years. We went to the NFR and both got reserve. Colton got the highest score ever on bronc riding, a 99.362! Ember made a full recovery and Estrella is doing well. I am planning on breeding Ember in the next few years to have a foal from her bloodlines. We have trained a lot more colts and sold them all successfully. We have brought this ranch to soaring heights. Everything is perfect in my eyes. I have a loving husband and a baby on the way. I'm over my fear and have two amazing horses. My friends are starting lives as well. We're all still as close as we were before. All of them have gotten married to each other except Mimi. She wanted to "shop around". She is now dating a really nice guy who I think might propose. All in all life is well and I wouldn't have it any other way.
"Ahhhhh!" "Baby what's wrong?" "Ahhhh baby!" "What? I'm here!" "No! Baby!" I shout pointing to my stomach. "Oh my god the baby is coming! Ok let's go!" We drive to the hospital and they rush me back to a room. "Her water has broke and she's already 6 inches!" One nurse announced. "Just get this the hell out of me! You bastard you did this! It's all your fault!" I yelled wanting to kill Colton for this because he didn't have to go through the pain for our bundle of joy. "It's ok sweetheart! Your doin good." "Push on three!" The doctor said. "One...two...three!" I pushed and heard the most magical noise ever. Our babies cry!

Hey guys. I know this story was short but I didn't know where to go from here. There will be a sequel and I think it will be waaaaay better! It will not be a cliche at first. Lol it will be a romance. I hope y'all enjoy the last chapter of this book. Let me know your thoughts please. Thank you all for reading and I hope you read the sequel when it comes out.
                   -Writer Out!

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