"Can I Still Do This?"

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No Riding+Physical Therapy=UGH

Ember and I both have physical therapy four days a week. Let me take you through the pain. Today is Friday one of our days off. But yesterday was my fourth day, I had to do exercises that were damn near impossible. Since my arm was broken I was only working my knee and ankle. It was a lot of water treadmilling. The therapy lasted an hour and a half after school. At school everyone was always pitying me and I hated it. I didn't have crutches and I didn't want to use the elevator so I went up the stairs. I did miss Monday so I had lots of make up homework. Apparently three of the colts sold because of how well the looked and behaved the day of the accident. Ember had to do water therapy as well. She had a water wrap on her leg. She was stretched and had an ultrasound everyday. She was healing great. As for me, I didn't try very hard on the exercises sooooo I wasn't progressing as much as they wanted me to. Well whatever people I am healing so I don't care how fast you want it.
I decided to call Colton because I was so bored.
*Ring ring*
-Hey Cass! How you doin?
-I'm dying....I'm so bored I almost turned the TV on.
-Uh oh. Need some help with that?
-Yes please! Save me from this hell!
I over exaggerated.
-Be there soon as I can. Wear something cute.
-kk luv ya
-love you too
*End call*

I brushed my freshly wash hair from last night, brushed my teeth and put some bronzing lotion with sunscreen on my body and face. I put on a light blue sundress with my boots. And curled my blonde natural ombré.
Colt picked me up and I asked him what we were doing. "We're going on a date!" He answered. "Where are we going?" "It's a surprise."

We arrived at a small diner in Nord. When we walked in and I saw all of our friends. I squealed and ran/hobbled in this stupid knee brace to my girls! We all sat down and ordered drinks. The drinks consisted of sweet tea, coffee, or raspberry tea. We also ordered our food which was a wide variety of sandwiches or burgers. We ate most of our food in comfortable silence. After a few minutes we talked about plans for the summer since the last day of school was only a week away. That's right. One more week of school. We planned a big camping trip to the mountains as well as a few bonfires and parties. "We have to go mudding!" I said. "Where? There's no mud." Mimi said. "We can make mud at the plateau near my house!" "And how do you suppose we do that?" Asked Miranda. "Um well here's where the sneaky part is. We're gonna tap into the orchard's water supply and wet the area with a hose." I said smiling. "That's a great idea!" "Oh yea!" The group all said things along those lines at once. We stayed at the diner for quite awhile. Then it was starting to get late so Colton took me home. "Night Colt!" I said hugging him. "Goodnight Cassi!" I gave him a quick kiss said I love you and went in the house.

My ankle is now finally strong enough to let me ride. It has to be easy because of my knee but hell I get to ride! I went to check on Ember and when I saw she was fine, I took my phone out and dialed Colton.
*Ring ring*
-Hey there!
-what's hoppin?
-Not much. Wanna go riding?
-Most definitely! Be there in five.
-K see you then.
*End call*
I gave Ember her medicine and took mine then Colton was here.

We got to Colton's and went to the barn. I rode the Arabian I rode the first day to bring up the colts and Colton rode Taz. We rode up to the spot of our first kiss. We rode for hours. My knee was hurting like hell but I didn't care I was on a horse for the first time in a month! I was gonna take advantage of it. We rode the whole day away. Saturday was the best day ever spent. Even though it caused hell afterwards. "Hey I have something for you." "Ooh!" "So as soon as your knee is in good shape you can rodeo again. But Ember won't be fit for it sooooo. I was gonna save this as a 'Good Job' gift but I think you need it now." "Ok..." I said as we walked through the barn after untacking our horses. "I bought you Estrella." "oh my. Colton. Why did you do this?" "Well I thought it would be nice to have her. Also now you can still race while Ember is healing." "But I'm still going to be healing." I said before running off. "Cassi wait!" He shouted. He followed me all the way into the hay stack. "What's the matter?" "I'm scared! I'm scared I won't be able to do it!" "But you have already gotten on a horse." He said confused. He had no idea how much it took me to get this fast, mentally. "My first horse was 35 years old. He fell on me during barrels twice. It took me a very long time to get over that fear. The beginning of this year is when I got completely over it. And now this. I don't think I'll be able to race again." "Oh sweetheart of course you will. It's what your meant to do." Then I asked myself, "Can I still do it?"

A couple of weeks later my knee was healed and I could physically race again. Mentally I'm not so sure, but Colton and ALL my friends were determined to get me racing again. I got on Estrella and rode her around the ring. I walked trotted and cantered. I trotted around a barrel randomly. Then another. Then I moved into a steady canter and rounded a barrel. Estrella sensed my nervousness and took the barrel smoothly and didn't shoot out of the barrel when we finished. "Hey y'all are lookin good!" Lauren said. "Yea. Your brave!" Miranda said "I probably wouldn't have even gotten on the horse!" Josh said. "You ready to run the pattern?" Colt asked me. "Um sure." I went out the gate and turned to face the arena. I nodded my head and he opened the gate. I told her to go and she took off smoothly. We were coming up on the first barrel and she had gotten up to a really fast speed. I was starting to panic but it was time to turn the barrel so I let her turn but freaked out and end up on the ground. Colton came running over asking in a rush,"Are you ok? Are you ok?" I stood up dusted myself off and shoved his hands off me. "I'm fine." I said quietly. "Ok here I'll help you back on." "No." I almost whispered. "Here I'll give you a leg." "No! I can't do this! I can't overcome this fear again! I...I just...can't!" I started out yelling and ended barely whispering. "Yes you can. We all believe in you. All you have to do is believe in your self." Colton said. I angrily got back on and tried again. We went through about 8 times before I finally ran the pattern. Then I ran it perfectly like nothing had ever happened. I was so excited to be over my fear in a single day.

Hope y'all like it

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