Bye Bye Colts Gonna Miss Ya

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Today is the exhibition that Colton's dad is hosting for the sale of colts, like baby horses he's not selling his son, haha just sayin. Anyways the colts are leaving today, well as many as will sell. I am really depressed because I'm really gonna miss some of these babies. Watching them grow and learn has been an incredible experience. We have two hours to get all the colts worked a little and prettied up.
~Time skip~
Colton's horses are going first. He rides them through their specialty rodeo event then shows some ranch/trail skills. "A lot of his horses sold for top price. Others wanted to dicker with the prices. I don't see why the horses were perfect and the prices are reasonable. Now it's my turn to ride my horses while Colton's dad talks about the colt I'm riding. So many of mine sold and I was almost in tears by the end but I knew this was good. Them selling quickly meant I did a good job. A silent buyer bought Estrella which was kinda weird but at least she sold. She's such a great little horse. All the horse that didn't sell will go to shows with us and will have "for sale" written on their rumps. Out of all our horses only 6 were left. Patches, Brandy, Buckwheat, Shooter, Scout, and Silver were left. "Well that was kinda..." "Depressing. Yea I know."
~Time Skip~
Colton and I have been going on dates since we have some free time due to the lack of horses and rodeos. At the moment we're riding out in the hills behind his house looking for the cows and the thoroughbred and arabs.

We just got a load of hay at the ranch and damn is it a lot. We are gonna be unloading this forever!

It took us four hours to unload all of the hay. Mainly because we were messing around half the time. Colt is driving me home so I can take care of some things there. I get to now go unload hay at home. Yay me! I clean stalls unload hay and pick up my room before doing my weekly homework. Tomorrow is Friday, my day off, so I'm gonna work with Ember. We have a rodeo Sunday.

I just tacked Ember and we're headed to my arena, correction field. I trotted some exercises and she was feeling good so I cantered my barrels. Around each barrel is sanded and the ground is cut. She felt great so I just worked out the small kinks and went on a much needed trail ride. We rode to the creek and ran into Mitchell. "Hey!" I waved. "Hey there Beautiful!" I laughed to myself and rode up next to him and Jazzi. "So how's the herd?" "Gone!" "Really? What happened?" "No idea. I'm searching for them right now." "Need help?" "Always!" He joked. We searched for hours and nothing. Not even a cow patty. "Well I'm sorry Mitch. This sucks." "Eh. It happens. I'll have to keep looking." "Well best of luck." "Thanks. Night." "Night!"
As I was riding how I saw a big stock trailer driving down the road loaded with cows. Mitchell's cow to be exact.
-Mitch I found your cows come to River Rd. NOW!
-Oie me wau. Galpin
-haha ok. Galpin!
I saw him and he saw me and the trailer. I took off next to him and we chased down the truck.
*Ring ring*
"Hey Cass what's up?"
"I need help now! Bring your truck and gun!"
"Coming. Be right there where are you?"
"River Road hurry!"
"Ok!" Colton hung up and two minutes later I saw his truck.
*Ring Ring*
"what are we doing?"
"Cattle rustlers."
I pointed to the trailer and he nodded. I called the police and they were on their way. It's a really good thing both of these horses were very well conditioned. We got the truck off the road and he came out with a gun. Colton jumped out of his truck and stepped in front of me. A couple seconds later the police showed up and Mitchell got his cows back. We all high fives and Colt drive us and our horses back. "Thanks y'all!" Mitchell said. "No problem!" We both said. We all went home and I got things packed and set for Sunday because tomorrow my friends and I are going out on the boat.

"Woohoo!" We all scream as we fly around corners on the tube. "Aaahhhh!" We flip the tube and all come up laughing. It's a girls day so the girls are out. Mimi, Miranda, Lauren, Skylar, Jordan, Kate, Maddie, Morgan, and I. We all went out on Jordan's boat and we're having a blast!

We have a four man tube but we've turned it into a seven man tube! Don't ask us how we're all on this thing but we made it happen

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We have a four man tube but we've turned it into a seven man tube! Don't ask us how we're all on this thing but we made it happen. The day has been very eventful. Someone's bottoms came off, someone's top came off, we took some pretty bad pictures, and we had a nice nature mud bath! We had a great lunch and we're just about to head home. We've been out on the lake for 10 hours!

I've got all my stuff ready for tomorrow and I'm just about to go to sleep but first I gotta text Colton.
-Hey you're still picking me up right?
-Definitely cu then ❤️
-kk good night 😴💤😘
-Nighty 💤😴💞
I closed my phone and went to sleep.

Hey y'all I know my updates are random. Bare with me my schedule is random lol. Hope your enjoying the book.

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