Browns Valley Jr. Rodeo

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I woke up and went through the motions of getting ready for and getting through school. After school I went with Colton to work for an hour before we headed out to Browns Valley for a Jr. Rodeo. We got out to the rodeo grounds and cleaned our horses up. We warmed up in the arena and checked in. At 5 the rodeo began. "Ladies and Gentlemen! Boys and girls! The first rodeo of the Tri Counties Jr. Rodeo series will now begin! We're gonna start with our tie down ropers. Followed by our team ropers and breakaway. Then moving to broncs and bulls and finally barrels and poles." The tie down ropers went and Colton's name was called. "Whoo hoo! Go Colton!" I cheered. He won the division and then it was time for team roping. "We got this! Just like last time." He told me as we backed into the chutes. We took off and I immediately grabbed the head, pulling around for the heels. He caught both and we had the fastest time so far. 'It would be so cool to win all around at our first rodeo together, not that we're together yet. Or at all.' We both did breakaway, ooh this will be fun. Now we're going against each other. Also this is my first ever time doing breakaway roping. I went before him and got a time of 4.316s. "Dang girl that was an awesome round!" He complimented. "Good luck!" He barely got second. 4.317s. "Nice job!" "You too!" We got some food while bulls and broncs were going on. After eating some baby back ribs he helped me get my horse ready for barrels and poles. I was called for poles and went over to the arena. We ran in and weaved through the poles. We ran home and I heard our time, it was the fastest so far. I doubt anyone could beat it! I am so proud of my girl! She did amazing!
The other riders went and I was still on top! Then it was time for barrels. I have some tough competition tonight. Some of these girls can run high 16s on a good night! We need to be on our top game to win! I heard my name and rode into the arena. We ran for the first barrel turning it clockwise, then on to number two turning that counterclockwise and finally gearing onto number three turning it counterclockwise as well. We ran home and the timer read 16.284 just under the previous winning time. That was the last event and now it was time for awards. This series work where at each individual rodeo the all around got a buckle and a check for a $100. Each individual first place received a trophy and a small "prize", you could call it. So at the end of the day, I walked home with an all around cowgirl buckle, $100, four trophies, and four small prizes. The prizes included a blue halter, blue splint boots, blue bell boots, and one of those tiara hat bands. Colton got an all around cowboy buckle, $100, three trophies,a halter that matched mine but was only red, blue splint boots, and a nice new calf tie. "We made out like bandits! But I'm beat. Ready to head home?" He said wrapping his arm around my waist as we passed by some bull riders. All them boys want is a one night stand. "Yea let's get outta here." I responded by reaching back and holding his shoulder.

"Hey we still got daylight! Wanna take a night ride?" Colton asked when we got back to his place. My parents were at my sister's open house and I didn't want to be alone so I said what any girl would say in my situation,"Yes!" He hopped on a horse that he always just brings along for the ride and I jumped on the arab I rode before. We just rode out to the top of a large hill that overlooked the valley. "Wow! It's beautiful out here!" I stated in awe. "Yea! It's my favorite place. Especially at this time of day!" We had stopped walking and just sat there next to each other. If i had known how that night was gonna end I would have only changed one thing. He looked at me, deep in the eyes. "I don't want to kiss you before we're together but this is the perfect moment." He spoke with such sincerity that i wanted him to be my boyfriend right then and there. He leaned in and we closed our eyes. Our lips touched and firework lit off in my brain. In the kiss I hadn't noticed my horse started grazing, he took a step away as I was leaned over. It happened so fast, one second I'm kissing my soon to be boyfriend then I'm eating dirt, quite literally. Colton was laughing so hard he fell off his horse as well. Now you might ask yourself, how could you fall out of the saddle like that? Well to answer that, we were bareback, so it was quite easy. I threw dirt at him and he came back at me, we had a short dirt fight that ended in another more heated kiss. And that is how I got my first kiss, and had my first embarrasing kiss at the same time.

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