When Friends Know Somethings Up

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I arrived at school and all my girlfriends were standing there starring. "What?!" I asked feeling slightly embarrassed at the fact that they might know about the kiss. Also today was my birthday so I have no idea. "So how was ur evening?" Crap they know bout the kiss! "It was magical!" Why hide it when they already know right? 'Eeeeeeekkkkk' was all I heard for almost a solid minute. "I cant believe y'all kissed!" "I can't believe you fell off!" "Actually that's the believable part!" "Y'all are mean!" They asked me for every detail, twice! The day went on with a chocolate and that's it. I'm so happy that's all I got for school birthday. When the last bell rang Colton was right there. "Your parents told me to pick you up because they were going shopping." "Ok!" "Wanna go get Ember?" "Yea!" We drive to my house and loaded up my crap and my horse then slowly made our way out to his place. We put Ember away and tacked up some colts. We sacked out and saddled all 30 colts in two hours. It was five thirty and I didn't have any homework so Colton asked if I wanted to go on a ride on our personal horses. I answered with an excited "Yes!". We rode out to a barn in the middle of the cattle field. "Let's head inside! I have a small birthday celebration!" "Ok!" We put the horses in a little pen and walked into the barn. "Happy Birthday!" All of my family, friends, and some of Colton's family jumped out at me. "Omg!" "Well come on!" We walked over to the cake. "Cake already?" "Yea we need to get to presents then we can party most if the night." "Ok!" We had cake then out came presents. "Whoa! You guys know I didn't want anything!" There was a crap ton of presents. "We know but we know something you will want!" Lauren said. "All the gifts in this shiny purple wrap are part of a theme." Mimi said. I opened all the purple ones. I opened them one by one and in total of the purple gifts I got a purple: halter, bell boots, splint boots, saddle blanket, nose band, saddle cross charm, blanket, and shipping/polo wraps. I said thank you to all my friends and went to open the other gifts. I got a black rodeo shirt with purple essences. Some t-shirts with horse quotes, a pair of jeans, and a bunch of shorts. I also got raspberry horse treats for Ember. And a new training bridle. I said thank you to everyone when me mom came in with another box. "Last one." I sat down and opened it and inside was a red healer puppy!

 "Omgomgomg! He's sooooooo cute!" "This is from Colton!" I turned around, puppy in my arms and hugged Colton and my new puppy! "Thank you!" I kissed him on the cheek! "What's his name?!" I thought for a moment then said,"Luke! After the singer bec...

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"Omgomgomg! He's sooooooo cute!" "This is from Colton!" I turned around, puppy in my arms and hugged Colton and my new puppy! "Thank you!" I kissed him on the cheek! "What's his name?!" I thought for a moment then said,"Luke! After the singer because my grandma's dog is named after Reba!" "Perfect!" I put the puppy in the hay room with food, water, and Reba. We danced the night away after that! After thanking my family and saying goodbye it was just my friends and I. The ten of us could really kick the dust up!

We headed out for some muddin' on the quads which were stored in this barn.

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