ch. 2- 1st night

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Skyler just left, and I sit on the couch, staring at the TV. I look at the clock in the room, and back at the TV. Then back at the clock. "This day will never end!" I yell through my apartment before I stand up and walk to the bedroom. I sit down behind my computer before looking up more information about Lucid dreams.

I have my notebook with me and write down what I need to get in a Lucid dream.

Do a reality check every now and then

Sleep at 11, and wake up at eight (go to bed at half past ten to become sleepy)

Think about lucid dreaming multiple times a day

I suddenly sit up, laying down my pen. I press my mouth and nose shut, and hold my breath. Ten seconds later, I breathe again. I look at the letters in my notebook, look away, and look back at them. "I am awake" I say softly to myself.

I look at the time and notice it's already eight 'o clock. I quickly stand up, and go to the kitchen to get a quick, simple, yet healthy meal for myself. I sit at my kitchen table, trying to eat slow, so that I will finish my meal later. I look at the time every minute, "god, why does the time have to go so damn slow!" I sigh irritated. When I finally finish my meal, I quickly drink the last bit of water, and look at the time again. I groan annoyed, "ten to nine, seriously!?!" I yell mad. I put on some music and start to do the dishes. "Okay, don't look at the time until I'm done" I say softly as I start to dance and sing with the music.

Done with the dishes. I dry my hands and take a deep breath as I close my eyes before turning to the clock. I open one eye and look at the time, "a quarter past FUCKING NINE!" I yell angry. I suddenly realize something. I still need to make a good sleeping pattern for myself. I quickly go upstairs, and grab a pen and my notebook. I think for a moment, "alright, too late, not too early..." I tap the end of the pen against my chin. If I have to work, I have to get up at eight, so that's for sure.

Wake up at eight

I don't want to wait too long to go to sleep since I want to have a lucid dream.

Sleep at 11

Which means I need my lights and phone out at ten, in case I don't fall asleep immediately. I read the pervious page of my notebook and face palm myself. "I already wrote my times..." I make sure the letters are not readable anymore. I smile proudly to myself. "Wilford, here I come" I stand up, lay my notebook on my nightstand with my pen, for when I wake up in the morning with a lucid dream. I want to grab my phone to look at the time, but I realize I left it downstairs. I groan annoyed, and quickly jog off the stairs, and run towards my phone on the kitchen table. A quarter to ten. I smile to myself, "perfect!" I say before walking to my closet and changing into my pj's. I lay on my bed, and check my social media real quick. Before I know it, it's already five past ten. "Oh shoot" I plug my charger in my phone, and set an alarm clock at seven. Even thought it's weekend, I have to get up early, for my sleeping pattern. I roll over, getting in a comfy position.

I feel myself getting sleepy, but I suddenly realize something. I open my eyes and roll on my back, arms next to my body, and legs next to each other. That's how I'm supposed to lay. I take a deep breath, and let my body fully relax.

"I'm going to dream lucid" I wait a few seconds, "tonight, I will dream lucid" I repeat again, "I will have a lucid dream" I keep my eyes closed, and now lay completely still. I try not to move my eyes under my closed eyelids, or my tongue. I feel myself get very sleepy again. I remember what I want to dream about. I imagine myself walking towards a circus in the night. From all the fanfictions I read, I got the idea that Wilford owns a circus, even though there never was a video of that. But the idea seems really cool, and hey, in a dream, everything is possible, so why not. I walk into the circus, and, I see some lights, but I walk towards a door. I know the exact way to his office. I open the door without knocking, and there he is, standing by his office with his back towards me, and his right arms moving fast, making the same movements all over again. I imagine myself softly calling out his name before he turns around with a seductive smirk, and-....

I'm in a green landscape. I look around me, and start walking down a path. I grab a bike, and step on it, following the white path that is laying in a huge green field. I step off my bike, and turn around. There is a car with all the doors open, except one. I open the last door, and turn up the music snd start to dance before turning around. There's my mother standing, smiling at me. She says something to me, but in the distance I hear a very familiar sound. It slowly becomes louder and louder until everything suddenly goes black.

I open my eyes, and look around my bedroom. I carefully sit up. "Huh...?" I say with a sleepy voice. I turn off my alarm on my phone. I quickly grab my dream journal, and write down my dream, describing every detail as specific as possible. When I wrote down everything, I think about it. I sigh softly, "no, not a lucid dream" I say softly before getting up. I stretch, and walk downstair to get breakfast. "I'll take a shower later" I tell myself as I get some fruit with yoghurt and a cup of tea.

I think about my dream, realizing it's so weird how dreams work. It's crazy how your head can make a whole dream, which probably feels like it lasts ten minutes, in one night from things you go through in a day.

I grab my laptop, searching more information about lucid dreams.

It's good to do something fun, and irregular from your usual day routine every now and then. If you do the same everyday, the chances of a lucid dream are smaller

I nod, "makes sense" I mumble to myself when suddenly my phone lights up.

Sky: queen!!! How's the dreaming going??????


Sky: got laid yet? 😏💦

i had a dream tho 👏🏼👏🏼

Sky: about lil ol Willy Warfstache?😏😏😏

Nope!! I was in a field, riding a bike and dancing to music or something like that😂💪🏼

Sky: well that's random


Sky: aaaanyway, I gtg queen!!

Okay, ttyl❤️

Sky: See ya!💕

I lay my phone down, sighing. "I want a lucid dream so bad..." I mumble to myself, "But I gotta have patience" I say again before drinking my last bit of tea.

Lucid Dreaming (WarfstacheXreader)Where stories live. Discover now