Ch. 17 Apology

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A week later. Still no lucid dream since I realized that Darkstache pulled me away from Wilford.  I sit in my bed, and look at the time again. "Yeah, I should sleep now" I mumble before laying down on my back, repeating the sentences to myself and after that imagining what I want to dream about.

"Wilford, I'm telling you, I'm so sorry! Darkstache just pulled me away from you! He purposely never mentioned your name so I wouldn't think about you! I met some other brothers of yours, nothing happened between us!" Wilford crosses his arms, looking down at me, "fine" he huffs, letting his arms fall again, "I believe you" he says. I smile brightly up and him, and take a step closer to him. I spread my arms, and-

I'm in a familiar chair, tied up again. I gulp, realizing I'm dreaming. I look around me, "Wilford...?" I ask nervous. And there he is in all his glory, the one and only, Wilford Warfstache. He looks down at me, unamused, waiting for me to talk. "Oh my god, there you are...Wilford, I'm sorry! I missed you so much!" I want you stand up, but I'm still tied down to the chair. "Go on. Feel sorry, feel bad!" He growls softly. I look at him, slightly confused. I think for a moment, "ehm...I realized I made a mistake. I've been so stupid, Wilford. I missed the adventures we had together. Darkstache just dragged me away from you, made me forget all about you!" I tell him, my voice slightly shaking. Wilford keeps looking down at me, as if waiting for me to say one specific sentence. Or as if figuring out if I mean what I say, if I'm actually sorry. I wait for a moment, letting him think. But then I realize he's not planning to say anything anytime soon. "What do you want me to say!? I said I'm sorry! And I mean that! I really am truly sorry, Wilford!" I look up at him.

"Beg for my forgiveness" he commands, trailing his fingers over the Warfstache on his upper lip. I gulp, "please, Wilford. Forgive me, for I have done you wrong. Please, please, just forgive me, it won't happen again!" Wilford raises an eyebrow down at me, "is that a promise I hear?" He asks, a slight grin appearing on his lips. I nod quickly, without even thinking, "yes! Yes, of course! I promise, Wilford, you will be the only one for me from now on!" I tell him. He grins, pleased with my answer, "very well then..." he says before he starts untying me. I rub my wrist as I stand up, "so, we're good again..?" I ask shy. Wilford nods, laying an arm around my shoulders, "we'll see about that" he says, leading me out of the room. "Wait what..?" I stop walking. He turns around and looks at me, "You need to win back my trust! Then we'll go on with your bucket list" he tells me. "And what is my bucket list?" I walk up to him again. "Getting in my pants of course! That's what you still want, right?" He grins teasingly. I nod, blushing slightly, "y-yeah" I stutter slightly. We both walk out of the room, revealing a very fancy hallway. It must be his house. "Now, if you will excuse me, I need to do an interview" he says, walking away. "Um, okay..." I watch him disappear before I take a good look at everything surrounding me.

I start walking through the hallway, and down some stairs, looking around me. But of course, I don't notice that I misplace my foot, and I fall the last bit of the stairs. "Ouch, goddamnit!" I hiss in pain, holding my head. I feel an itch on my lower arm and start to scratch it, but when I look at my hand, there's blood on my fingers, and a cut in my lower arm. It suddenly starts to sting a lot. "Shit" I hiss as I stand up. I walk through the house, looking for a kitchen or the toilet. I finally walk into a beautiful, fancy kitchen. I wash the blood off my arm and fingers with water, and look around the place, spotting a door. I jog over and open it, revealing a fancy toilet. I quickly grab some toilet paper, holding it on the cut I got out of nowhere. I walk back to the stairs, wondering how I got it.

I sit down on the couch, starting to watch tv. I hear the front door open, and watch Wilford walk in. "Bloody hell!" He yells angry. I jump slightly, quickly standing up again. I walk over to him, "what's-" I stop talking when I notice him looking down at the blood stain on the floor. I gulp nervous. "Care to explain how the hell that got there, young lady?!" He crosses his arms, looking down at me. I look down at the little blood on the floor, "I fell...a-and I wanted to get my hand cleaned up first" I admit. Wilford sighs frustrated, "I appreciate your honesty, but you're going to clean up this mess right now." He says before walking to the kitchen, "and that when the maid isn't here" he mumbles. "The maid..?" I ask curious. Wilford glances over his shoulder, "yes. My maid. Nothing you need to know about" I narrow my eyes at him, not trusting him, "what does she look like?" I ask, crossing my arms. Wilford rolls his eyes as he turns around, "blonde. Now go clean that blood up!" He commands, "cleaning supplies are in the closet to the right" I look to my left, "your right, sweet-cheeks" I slightly blush out of embarrassment, "of course"

Then suddenly, I hear that familiar sound in the distance. I look at Wilford. His eyes widen slighly when we make eye contact, "ohh no! You're staying here! You're not going anywhere before you cleaned your blood!" He walks towards me. My vision starts turning black, "sorry, Wilford!" I tell him, feeling myself waking up. "Nope! Not happening" he grabs my shoulders, quickly starting to spin me in circles. My vision becomes normal again. I smile innocent up at him, "oh yeah...I forgot....sorry". Wilford points at the closet to my right, "cleaning supplies are in there" he commands once again before turning around. The sound of my alarm still echoes in the distance. It becomes very annoying, so I quickly clean up the blood that is not even that much.

"There's blood here too" Wilford says as I wipe the last bit off the ground. I walk over to him, standing by the sink. I start cleaning the few drops on the edge of the sink. I suddenly feel Wilford hugging me from behind, laying his hands on my shoulders. I freeze, not moving anymore. I feel his hot breath near my ear, "you forgot a little spot" he whispers as he slides his hand down my arm, gently guiding my hand over the last bit of blood. I bite my lip shyly, looking at his hand on mine. He breathes some amused chuckles, before my vision goes black again.

And then I open my eyes. I first think about my dream from beginning to end. Then I think about the last part. Over and over again, with a bright smile on my face and a slight blush. I gently lay my dream diary down on my nightstand again and think about the dream for ten minutes before getting out of bed and getting ready for the day. "Better tell Sky about this"

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