ch. 4- 3rd night

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Latest Markiplier video, watched. I but my ice cream bowl in the dishwasher, and take my laptop upstairs. I look at the time, look away, and back at the time. Same time. "I am awake" I softly tell myself as I change into my Pj's and get into bed. I take a deep breath and look up at the ceiling. I don't know why, but I do it. I intertwine my fingers, "please, please, please, give me a lucid dream!" I beg. "please..." I close my eyes, "Just a lucid dream, that's all I'm asking for"  I whisper, as if someone's actually going to hear me and say something back.

"Tonight, I will lucid dream" I wait a little while before I say again, "I will have a lucid dream" I say softly. "I will be lucid in my next dream" ... "I will have a lucid dream tonight" I repeat those small sentences for about a minute before I go quiet. I lay completely still and start imagining the dream that I want, but this time a little different.

I walk into the back of a big building. It's like the door for the people who will be on the show tonight. I walk straight towards a stage light and sit down on a high chair. There are a lot of pink lights everywhere. I wait for a small bit, but then suddenly I see him approaching me and taking a seat on the high chair in front of me. He looks at me with a seductive smirk, not looking away for one second. Then someone comes up to us, "Guys, the show won't go life for another two hours, so please go relax somewhere, alright?" And immediately Wilford takes my hand, leading me to his dressing room. His door has a golden star on it, and some golden letters spelling,

Wilford Warfstache only

Do not enter

He closes the door behind me, and smirks seductively down at me before-

I'm standing under a bridge with someone next to me. I look at the man, and see it's Markiplier. He says something to someone, somewhere behind me, high above the ground. I turn around and see a girl with blonde, curly hair standing on  a pile of bricks.  "Come on, Amy, we're gonna go" Mark says before the both of us start walking. Mark hooks his arm, holding it out for me to take it, and on my other side, Chris Martins, the singer from Coldplay, walks with me on my other side. The three of us walk along the waterside. We walk over a path between green fields. It looks as if we're in Ireland, England or the Netherlands, one of the three. Beautiful nature all around us. Then suddenly, Mark and Chris are gone, and I walk alone over the path. Suddenly I hear a smooth voice behind me. I don't remember what he's saying, but before I can turn around, I hear another very familiar sound and everything goes black.

I open my eyes and look at my nightstand, where my phone is ringing. It's my alarm clock. I  think for a few minutes before I sit up and write down  my dream.  When I'm done with that, I stare in front of me, thinking about it. "I don't understand" I mumble, "well...kinda," I think about how dreams work. 'Why would my brain think of such random things?'  I stand up and get ready for my sunday.

I'm eating my breakfast as I get a text from, who else, Skyler

Sky: Is he big?






Sky: No, but srsly


Sky: D'aawwww

Sky: You'll get there soon enough, queen


Sky: Just have a lil more patience

I can't rlly do anything else than wait and try my best

Sky: Exactly!

Sky: I'll even get you a lucid dream trainer if you wanna

woahh, woahh, I'm not THAT desperate

Sky: XD

Save the number somewhere though))

Sky: XD alrighty then!!

Sky: Well I gtg, bye!!

bye bye!!!

I lay my phone down, shaking my head. "ohh, crazy son of a biscuit" I giggle softly to myself as I put my dishes in the dishwasher.  I quickly fix my hair in the mirror before pulling on my shoes and grabbing my keys and phone. I walk outside, making sure I lock the front door behind me. I take a moment to admire the nice weather outside. The sun is shining, and it's not too hot, not too chilly. I look around me, at the people passing by. I walk into a park where kids are playing, kicking a ball towards each other. 'So much beauty around here' I smile and sigh happily,

'it's almost like I'm in a story'

Lucid Dreaming (WarfstacheXreader)Where stories live. Discover now