Ch. 15 Can it fly

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I walk to the bathroom with my panties and oversized shirt on, and a messy bun in my hair. I look in the mirror, feeling cute for my being. I start to brush my teeth, putting on some music. After that, I walk to my bedroom, making sure I close the door behind me, and get in bed. I get in position and do the usual routine, starting off with repeating the sentences to myself. After that, I imagine in my head what I want to dream about.

Darkstache stands in front of me, protecting me from the demons in front of him. I look up at his broad shoulders, feeling like I want to be in his strong arms and feel safe. Dark and Anti finally disappear and Darkstache turns around to look down at me with a cocky grin, "yep, I just did that" he says proud. I giggle softly, smiling sweetly up at him, "thank you, Darkstache" I thank him. He wraps his arms around me, kissing my neck, "feel safer yet?" He asks in a soft tone. I bite my lip, nodding, "I do...." he cups my cheeks and leans in before-

I stand in front of a house with someone close next to me. I realize I'm dreaming when I see it's Darkstache. He looks at the house in front of us. I glance at the house too, "ehm, Darkstache...?" I ask, wanting his attention but he ignores me. He starts walking to the front door of the house. I hurriedly follow him and take my place next to him as he knocks on the door. "What are we doing here?" I ask, knowing he must be able to hear me since I'm right next to him. "You'll see" his raspy voice speaks out. The front door is being opened by a very familiar guy. Black hair that looks very soft, brown eyes, glasses, muscular body. "Darkstache..? Annnnd, who's this?" The familiar guy asks. I smile at him and hold my hand out, "I'm (Y/N)!" I tell him. He shakes my head, nodding once and smiling, "Mark! Nice to meet you!" He says before looking up at Darkstache. "I wanted to show her around, meet everyone" Darkstache exlpains, "step aside, we wanna come in" he commands. Mark looks down for a moment before stepping aside, opening the door wider. I walk in after Darkstache, looking around the place. There's another guy sitting at the kitchen table, drawing. He looks the same as Mark, but his hair is shorter, and he has no facial hair. Also different glasses. He looks quite young compared to the other guys.

Mark gestures towards him, standing next to me, "(Y/N), this is Babyplier. Baby, (Y/N)". The guy at the table looks up and smiles brightly at me, "hi there! Nice to meet you!". I smile back at him, "nice to meet you too! What are you drawing?" I ask him, looking down at the paper on the table. Darkstache stands next to the table, looking down at the paper too. Baby holds up the paper, showing me the drawing, "I'm making a plan to build an airplane!" He says proudly. I look at Mark, who whispers in my ear, "he's a bit childish, but you couldn't have expected different from a guy named Baby, right?" He grins at me. I giggle softly and decide to play along, "cool! Can it fly?" I ask sweetly. Baby lays the paper down and looks down at the paper. It looks like he's thinking really hard. "I don't know" he says, "I can try" he suddenly starts folding the paper. I look at Mark who glances back at me before he shrugs.

When I look back at Baby, he has made a paper airplane and he's ready to throw it. I start laughing softly, covering my mouth as I watch the paper airplane fly a small part around the room. "It does! It flies!" Baby cheers happy, "look at it g-" his sentence is cut off by Darkstache grabbing it out of the air and crumbling it. He throws it on the ground after. My eyes widen slightly as I look at Darkstache in shock. "Darkstache!" Mark says angry, "what was that for?!" He says. Baby pushes up his lower lip, look at Mark and me, "that was mean!" He says before walking away, stomping upstairs. "Come on, Darkstache! You gotta stop bullying him!" Mark says, almost in a begging tone. Darkstache just stands there, grinning cocky. I look angry at him, crossing my arms, "why did you do that?!" I ask strictly. Darkstache chuckles amused, "didn't you see the expression on his face?!" He asks before snickering some more. "Yes!" I snap back, "disappointment is what I hurt his feeli-" Mark cuts me off by laying a hand on my shoulder. I look at him, seeing him shake his head, signing me it's no use to argue about this. I look back at Darkstache, seeing his proud grin still on his face. I sigh frustrated and shake my head, "asshole" I mumble.

"Ohh, don't whine about it, woman! He'll get over it in no time!" Darkstache growls. I look at Mark, who nods at me with a slightly smile, "he'll be alright, don't worry. I'll talk to him." He tells me. I nod, "okay, great" I start to smile again before everything goes black slowly as I see Mark walking up the stairs. I turn to Darkstache who grins at me. I quickly spin circles, making my eyesight so back to normal again. Darkstache sighs softly, "time to go, sweetcheeks!"  He tells me. I cross my arms and shake my head, "no it's not! I don't hear my alarmclock yet!" I tell him. I watch him roll his eyes before he walks towards the front door and walking outside. I hurriedly jog up to him, "where are we going next?" I ask teasingly, knowing he wanted me to wake up just now. He smirks down at me, knowing I'm teasing him, "my bedroom...?" He asks seductively. I lower my eyebrows slightly and slightly shake my head, "no, who am I gonna meet next?" I ask. Darkstache stops walking and thinks for a moment, "hmm....what about" he puts his arm around my shoulders, pulling me closer to him, "the alarmclock?" He asks. I lower my eyebrows in confusion, "huh...?" I simply bring out, but then I hear it too. The familiar, annoying sound. "See you next time, gorgeous" he says, cupping my cheek before pushing me backwards as everything goes black.

I open my eyes and grabs my phone from my nightstand, shutting the alarm. I lay on my back again with my hands behind my head, looking up at the ceiling. I let it all come to me before I grab my dream diary and write every detail down, smiling slightly to myself.

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