ch. 7- 6th night

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I get in bed, excited for my next dream. I do a last reality check. I take a deep breath, repeating the sentences to myself and imagining what dream I want to have.

I sit by the kitchen table, sipping my tea. I look at Wilford who is sitting across from me, taking a bit from the cupcake. Yes, we're having a high tea. "Such a pleasure to have you here, miss" He says. I smile sweetly, "Thank you for having me! And thank you for taking some free time for me" I answer politely. Wilford slightly smirks at me, "For you, always" He says, way more seductive than before. I look at him, not believing my ears. He seemed such a polite guy, but he's going straight for it. "Excuse me?" Maybe he goes a little too fast forward for me. "Oh come on, (Y/N). I see the way you're looking at me" He says, lowering his chin, smirking at me. I gulp, putting my teacup down. "I'm afraid I don't now what you're talking about, sir Wilf-" He cuts me off, "ohh cut the acting, gorgeous" He says before standing up and-

I'm in a room with pink and white everywhere. I realize it's a dream, and with that, I'm lucid dreaming. I look around, "huh?" I stand up and walk out the room, leading me to another room. There's a round table with someone sitting by it, sipping a fancy cup of tea. My eyes widen when I realize who it is, "Wilford?" The man looks up, "Ah, hello (Y/N)!" he says, putting his cup down. I gulp, getting nervous. Everything slowly fades to black. "Shit, what's happening!?" I say stressed, not wanting this dream to end yet. "Oh, just spin in circles and fall backwards, m'lady" Wilford tells me. I do as he says, and my sight becomes clear again. "Thank you" I tell him as I take a few steps closer to him. He stands up and stands in front of me. "Y-you're here...I'm here!" I say happily. "Why wouldn't we? You've tried to reach me several times..I decided to answer your calls and thank you for your effort. Some quit already at the second night" Wilford explains.

I look confused up at him. "em...okay! Thank you!" I look into his familiar eyes. I talk softly to myself, "I want him to pick my up by my thighs. I want him to set me on the counter and-" Will cuts me off, "Woah, woah, woah, m'lady, not so fast! You just met me!" He crosses his arms, taking a step back. "I slightly lower my eyebrows in confusion. "But...this is MY dream! I decide what you do!" I tell him confused, wondering what's happening and how this happens. "I don't want you to reject me...I want you to f-" He cuts me off, "oh, so you see me as some kind of sex machine?" He asks, sounding offended. I think for a moment. "well...yea!" I answer.

Wilford smirks to himself, "well, I see THAT as a compliment" he mumbles, "But I will absolutely NOT let you use my body! Wait...that's it! You just want me for my body!" He hugs himself again, offended. I gulp, "I don't want to offend or hurt you...but I've been waiting for you for quite some time, and I tried my hardest to get here, so I think I deserve some kind of reward!" I cross my arms. Wilford look at me, raising an eyebrow, "That sounds like something I would say...BUT I will not accept this kind of behavior! I LOVE that you bed me to do you good" He smirks seductively at me, making me blush brightly. "BUT I won't give myself won that easily! You will have to have patience!" he commands.

"but-" he cuts me off, "AND you will need to show some respect first! Men aren't just sex toys who you can use any time you want! WE deserve equal respect!" I look confused at him. This sounds like a speech a woman would give..."when you show me some respect, THEN I will maybe jump in bed with you, but for now...we're done here" He lifts his chin up, closing his eyes with his arms crossed. I lower my eyebrows in confusion. "What..?" I say softly. Wilford opens one eye at me. "any minute now" He says softly. I look around, wondering if something's supposed to happen. "What is-" I'm being cut off my the familiar sound of my alarm clock. "Ahh, there we go! Goodbye, (Y/N)" he says, smiling sweetly before everything goes black.

I sit up in my bed, shutting my alarm. I immediately write down what happened. "what...the FUCK!?" I smile brightly to myself. I grab my laptop and FaceTime Sky. I wait impatiently. After I called her like ten times, she finally picks up, looking tired. She must've woken up just now. "(Y/N)? Everything alr-" I cut her off, "SKYLER OH MY GOD I MET WILFORD AND I WANTED TO FUCK HIM BUT HE GAVE ME A SPEECH ABOUT REPECT AND HE WAS SO SILLY LIKE ALWAYS AND THIS WAS A LUCID DREAM NO DOUBT AND FUCK I CAN'T BELIEVE IT OH MY GOD OH MY GOD! I WAS SO CONFUSED FIRST, BUT-" Skyler cuts me off, noticing I'm running out of oxygen. "(Y/N)! BREATHE!! JESUS! I literally JUST woke up!!" She groans annoyed. I giggle softly, covering my mouth, "oops, sorry, Sky" I say smiling brightly.

"Now...stay calm, and tell me what happened from beginning to end" She asks.

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