Ch. 21 going somewhere

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I get in bed again, not sure if I want to lucid dream tonight. Is it safe, or should I talk to Wilford? Question after question go through my head. What will I tell him? How will I apologize again? An if Darkstache finds me, how will I get away from him. Do I need an excuse? I sigh and lay on my back. I want to go to Wilford. I feel it. I want to be with him. So, I start imagining what I want to dream about.

I'm in the forest again. I'm expecting Wilford to come over, because he agreed to talk to me. I'm sitting against a tree, waiting impatiently, slightly nervous. I hear footsteps coming towards me. I look up, spotting Wilford. I quickly stand up and smile slightly at him. "Wilford-" he cuts me off by pushing his lips onto mine. I yelp softly in the kiss, but kiss him back passionately. He lifts me up, spinning in a circle and sets me on the ground again. I smile up at him, "I'm sorry, Wilford..." he smiles down at me, shaking his head, "no, I'm sorry. I love you" my eyes widen slightly. Then, I smile brightly and jump, wrapping my arms and legs around him. I bury my face in the crook of his neck, I love you t-"

I sit on a familiar chair. I blink a few times, letting my eyes get used to the bright spotlight that is right on me. "Thank you for joining us again, miss (Y/N). But let's get down to the nitty gritty!!" I look over at Wilford, realizing I'm dreaming. "Why did you immediately believe what he told you? Everyone of us thought you would neeeever trust a demon like him!" I realize he's talking about Darkstache. "E-ehm" I stutter, "I-..." I can't come up with words. "A little bit lost for words I see" Wilford chuckles teasingly, "well that's no problem, you must be feeling lucky that we're not live today!" He chuckles that weird chuckle of his, "oh wait...we are!!!" He laughs, then coughs a few times before looking blankly at me. "Still, I want your answer though" he commands strictly. I look into Wilford's eyes, "seriously?" I ask him. Wilford stays silent, raising an eyebrow, meaning yes. "I don't know...honestly, I believed him because all this time I've been trying to get to you, and I want to bond with you..." Wilford nods, "you mean you've been trying to get in my pants...", I look at him with a 'bitch, really!?' Look. "Not only that! You're a great guy, but you stayed so distant the whole time, so I kinda felt you you saw me as a if you just used me as an ego boost!" I cross my arms, "I will not be chasing you my whole life, Wilford Warfstache" I explain, "I felt like you tossed me aside, and when Darkstache told me the same things I felt, it all made sense to me, and I believed him! He was like...confirming my thoughts!"

I look at Wilford and it looks like he's actually thinking about all this. "But..." I start, getting his attention, "I know now that you didn't say all didn't, right?" I ask shyly. He chuckles in his weird way, "of course I didn't! I mean, we're not official, but it's not like you don't mean something to me..." I smile slightly, "no one has ever showed so much interest in me before! Well...except for my maid...she's like...obsessed with me" I look confused at the proud smirk on his face, "...but that's besides the point." I smile again. He's actually being nice, "but I'm missing one small little sentence" I tell him. Wilford looks around, and yells at somewhere behind me, "turn off the lights, Kathryn!" And after that, the lights turn off, "and you can leave now!" He commands, followed by a door being opened and shut.

I finally get to see that there are no actual cameras, or someone in the audience. I giggle softly at Wilford, "I'm waiting..?" I ask with a teasing smirk. Wilford rolls his eyes, "my apologies" he tells me. I cross my arms, "a little different choice of words..?" -- "alright, I'm sorry!" He growls, "don't get too full of yourself now!" He looks at my proud smirk. I smile, getting out of my chair, and walk up to him. Wilford gets up, and I pull him in for a hug. "I'm so sorry too, Wilford" I bury my face in his neck, letting him stroke my hair. "Are you gonna make me work even more for you?" I ask in almost a whisper, looking up at him. He looks into my eyes, "that sounds like a clever way of asking me to fuck you" I blush brightly, surprised by how suddenly he just says those words, "w-well..." -- "yes..?" He asks before lifting up my chin, "you don't have to be shy about it. Just ask what you want!" A smirk appears on his face. "I want to have sex with you" I almost command in a whisper. "What did you say?" He smirks cocky down at me. "Oh, you heard me!" I say, somehow slightly nervous. He nods, "yes, but say it again, maybe throw my name in there somewhere" Wilford pulls me closer by my hips. I sigh, and look up into his eyes, "Wilford Warfstache, I want you to do me!" I ask louder.

He chuckles amused, "now that's more like it! Though we already did it" My eyes widen, "what?" I look at him, taking a small step back. "Don't you remember?" He brings his lips close to my ear, and says in a hushed tone, "The poker night?". I shiver slightly, and gulp. I just stare in front of me, "I...vaguely remember some of it..." I tell him. He pats my shoulder, "exactly..." he says before walking away. "But...I'm in a Lucid Dream! I'm supposed to feel, hear and see everything! I don't remember feeling anything! I don't remember hearing anything either! I don't even remember everything I saw!" I tell him, "why won't you just do me, Wilford?!" He stops in his tracks. "Just take me home, and fuck me!" I beg. He grins, but then lifts his chin with an unpleased look on his face, "hmm, I'm not in the mood right now" he says before walking away, to his dressing room.

I roll my eyes and sit down, resting my head on my hand. "I want to wake up..." I mumble to myself, looking at the ground. "Are ye sure?" I hear a glitching voice next to me. I lift my head to look at, "Anti!" I smile at him. "You gotta give 'em some time, lad. Get him drunk, that always works" I look down, thinking about it, then shake my head, "no, I want him to remember it too...I want him to consciously make the decision that he wants to jump in bed with me" I explain. Anti snickers, making me look at him, "don't you laugh at me!" I playfully push Anti. He shake his head, "I get it, I get it. Just give it some time!" He explains. I nod, "can I wake up now?" I ask him. Anti thinks, "do ya hear an alarm clock yet?" I shake my head in response. "Well, then no" -- "but yesterday you woke me up before my alarm clock!" I remind him. He nods, "yea, though that was for ya safety" he explains. I mouth an 'oh', "yeah, that makes sense..." Anti nods, " And I don't wanna ruin ye'r sleeping pattern, ya see?" I smile at him, "thanks, Anti, you're a really good-" he cuts me off with a growl, "we are no friends..." he stands up, "I just don't want you to get murdered, that's all! You wanna know something?!" He asks with a dangerous glare. "Wh-what?" I stutter slightly, "if you die in your die in real life!" He says before he disappears.

I gulp, looking down, "...strange" I stand up, and start walking to Wilford's dressing room. I quietly open the door, and see him standing with his back towards me. His right hand is moving very fast in front of his lower stomach, and immediately I realize what he's doing. I blush brightly, and want to walk in, but I hear my alarmclock in the distance, becoming louder and louder. My sight goes black, and before I know it-

I'm awake. I open my eyes. I write my dream down when it comes to me, and lay my dream journal/ diary down, whatever you want to call it. I get out of bed, and smile slightly.

"This is going somewhere"

Lucid Dreaming (WarfstacheXreader)Where stories live. Discover now