Ch. 11 escape

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Sky: well, have fun then, I guess!

Ohhh I think I will!




Sky: whatever, sleep well, gurl!

Bye, queen!!!

I lay my phone down and do my normal routine before I start imagining what I want to dream about.

We walk out of the restaurant together, and into the park. The moon and stars are shining while we walk under them, hand in hand by the pond. It's quiet on the streets, and it's a little cold, but Wilford offers me his suit jacket, keeping me warm, "thank you" I smile sweetly up at him. He nods once, "you're welcome, m'lady" he says as we keep walking.

I'm in a dark forest, and that's when I realize I'm dreaming. "Wilford?!" I call out to him, "Wilford, where are you?!" I ask again, but no answer. I sigh, and I imagine that I want to see him, and suddenly, "miss (Y/N)?!" His smooth voice calls out to me. I look up and a smile appears on my face, "there you are!!!" I walk up to him. "Of course I'm here! You want me here, so here I am!" He says. I nod, "of course..." -- "so, what do you want to do now?" He asks. I think for a moment. "Oh dear, you first better pull on some different clothes, your dress is all dirty! What made you follow me here anyway?" I look up at him, "you ran away while we were on a date...remember?" I cross my arms, looking blankly at him. Wilford puts his hands up in surrender, "hey, you're the one trying to get in my pants, so you'll have to accept me the way I am!" He tells me.

I roll my eyes and walk behind a tree, wanting to wear something easy, yet pretty. "There" I say to myself before I walk back to Wilford. "You better come up with something fun to do, otherwise we're done here!" Wilford hugs himself, looking blankly down at me. I quickly start thinking, "ehm....the fair?" I say, and immediately were at a fair. Wilford looks around, "hmm...too cliché" he tells me. "The movies?" The next second we're in front of the cinema. Wilford shakes his head, "nah, not really a fan". "Ehmm...the zoo?" We're at a zoo. Wilford looks around, "too many people." I roll my eyes, "without people?" And immediately everyone is gone, except for the two of us, and the animals. "Too boring and quiet here now...". I sigh softly. "What about....the beach?" We teleport to the beach. Wilford looks around, "water is too cold" he complains. I look down, but then a brilliant idea pops in my head, "I got it!!" Wilford looks curious at me, "The circus!" And immediately we're in front of a big circus. Wilford lowers his eyebrows, "oh, because I wear a tophat?! Very funny" he looks away, unamused. I imagine we're in the forest again, and so we teleport there.

I sigh in defeat and sit down on a fallen tree, "well...I don't know anymore, Wilford...I try my best!" I rest my head on my hands. "Didn't you say you wanted to rob a bank with me? Or you wanted me to teach you how to shoot?" He asks. I look up, "...did you hear me say that?" I ask surprised and confused at the same time. Wilford is quiet for a moment, " was in your head somewhere, yeah" he explains. "Well then teach me to shoot!!!" I say excited, standing up again, and the next second we're standing in the middle of a field, the sun shining brightly.

There's a target a little away from us, and I'm standing in front of a table with a shotgun laying on it. Wilford loads one and hands it to me. I gently take it and look at him, as if asking what to do with it. "Well come on, shoot, woman!" He commands. I roll my eyes, and aim at the target. I've heard that you just gotta breathe out, and then shoot. And so I do that. I hit the board, but not the red dot in the middle. Wilford looks, "hmm, not bad for a first time" he admits. I giggle, "that's what she said" I look over at Wilford and stop smiling when I see his unamused expression, "you're holding a gun which you can't handle...not really the time to joke around, sweet cheeks" he tells me. I clear my throat, "of course, I'm sorry" . Wilford suddenly stands very close behind me, laying his hands on my shoulders. He gently lifts my arm which is holding the gun, "you gotta make sure it's on this height and your arm stretched like this, but not too much" his hand gently slides over my upper arm, and back to my shoulder, "there we go" he says softly in my ear, making me gulp. "Now...breathe in...." I breathe in through my nose, "and out..." I slightly open my mouth to exhale. "And shoot" Wilford whispers in my ear before he takes a step back, taking a hold of his suspenders with his hands. I pull the trigger and the bullet almost hits the middle.

"Try again" he commands. I smile to myself, and do the same as before like Wilford told me. I close one eye to aim better, breathe in through my nose, and out slowly before I shoot. I open my eye again to look where I hit and I see I almost hit the exact middle. "There you go!! You're a quick learner!!" Wilford tells me, smirking proud. I breathe a chuckle, "wow, this is awesome!" I glance at Wilford, seeing him take a step closer to me. I feel my cheeks heat up. It looks like we're about to kiss, but suddenly I hear police sirens. Wilford turns his head to the sounds, "bloody hell, it's the cops!" He says before he grabs the gun from my hand and putting it away. He grabs my hands and we quickly run towards the trees. 

Two Police cars park near the spot where we were shooting. Two police officers get out of the car and they scan the field. "Okay, here's the plan. I go through the woods all the way to the end of the field. I create a distraction so that they come towards me. When the time is right, you grab keys from one car so they can't come after us. Then you get into the other car and start it. After that you drive as fast as you can towards me, where you pick me up...I'll tell you where to go next, okay?" Wilford whispers. I glance at the officers and gulp. "I'll try my best" I whisper nervous. "No, you will do it" Wilford commands before he runs in a silly way. I take a deep breath and look at the officers. They start to walk onto the field, towards the target where I was shooting on. "Must've been Warfstache again" One officer tells the other. "Ya think so?" The other one asks. The first officer nods again.

Suddenly there's a gunshot, making me jump slightly. The officers look at the direction where the shot came from. I see Wilford standing there with his back turned towards the officers. I hear   soft, sassy music which he is dancing to. The officers look at each other before they start approaching Wilford, aiming their guns at him. I glance at the cars and quickly, but quietly run to them. The doors are still open, so I can easily grab keys from one car, before quietly getting in the other. I start the car, which the officers don't notice.

"Police! Show your hands where we can see 'em!" One officer yells. Wilford stops dancing before he quickly turns around, making his top hat fall off. In a split second, he pulls out a small golden gun and shoots one officer, I'm not sure where. I slam the breaks and Wilford grins cocky at the officers, "It was an accident, I swear!" He says before getting in the car, snatching his top hat from the ground. I already start driving before he can close the car door.

"shit!" I hear the officers say before they start shooting at the car. Wilford puts his gun away, as if nothing is happening. "Good job, (Y/N)" He tells me. I drive away so that the officers aren't in sight and shooting us anymore. "Thank you"  I smile, "You're a pretty good dancer" I tell him. I glance at Wilford, seeing him look back at me with a 'girl, really!?' look. "Is that sarcasm I hear?" He asks dangerous. I shake my head, "No! No, I really liked it!" I tell him. "Why thank you" He answers, dusting off his top hat.

"Oh, you can park right here" He suddenly tells me, pointing at a parking spot at the mall. I  park the car, "Why?" I ask. Wilford opens his car door, "Time to rise and shine, sweet heart" He gets out, closing the passenger door behind him. "huh...?" I say before I hear that annoying, familiar sound. Everything goes black...

I open my eyes and a bright smile takes shape on my lips when the dream comes to me. I immediately grab my dream diary, and write it all down. "oh wow, Wilford..." I whisper softly as I remember his actions and smart thinking. And not to forget his dancing, and flawless little phrases that he says, that I know all too well. I put my dream diary down, and walk downstairs with my phone.

I call Skyler and tell her everything, "You will not believe what happened!" I start. "are you sure you wanna be a mom yet? I you have to money and time?" She asks teasingly before she laughs. I sigh playfully, "No, Sky! Just listen!"

Lucid Dreaming (WarfstacheXreader)Where stories live. Discover now