Chapter 7 ~ falling for you

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Louis' pov

when I brought Emily the pandora bracelet and the whole day I figured out something. I'm falling for Emily Edwards the 18 year old girl that is popular and acts like a bad girl but underneith is really sweet and innocent. I asked the boys to come down so I could get some help on asking her to be my girlfriend. The plan first is to say that I really like her and then ask her on a date, then go on the date and then ask her to be my girlfriend. I just had to ask emily now

"hey em" i say

"yeah louis" she says

"can the boys come down for a bit" i say

"yeah sure we have enough rooms" she says

"cool let me text them and then we can go" i say

"yeah sure" she says

from: Louis

to: liam, niall, zayn and harry

hi guys need your help to ask someone out can you come down as the girl that I am asking out said its fine

my phone buzzed and I had 4 new messages

from: niall 

to: louis

sure mate see you soon

from: liam

to: louis

cool see you in a couple of days

from: zayn

to: louis

ok hope you take care of her and sure will do see you later

from: harry

to: louis

aww my boobear is in love and sure will do just USE PROTECTION!!

harry never seases to amaze me and he was hillarous I just hope she says yes

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