chapter 33 ~ meeting your family

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Emily's pov

so the boys are off tour for christmas and at least thats something, Louis asked me to go to Doncaster with him for his birthday and christmas and to meet his family. Oh my fucking god I am scared what if they don't like me. Louis kept reasuring me that they would love me. we said bye to the boys as our plane was called for

"all passangers on the 10xxdon plane to doncaster is bording now"

we went to our plane and because it was night we were both tired. Louis had just done a concert as well so me and Louis slept the entire plane ride, and let me tell you it was uncomfotable but I had Louis to snuggle into, we had the shutters on the seats and we also had a duvet to share. we snuggled together pulled the duvet over us and slept for the entire plane ride


I just woke up but I woke up to 

"please can all passagers turn off all electrical devices for our landing to doncaster, we hope you had a nice flight" the steward says 

i grab Lou's shoulders and shake him slightly

"Louis wake up we're landing in 5 minutes" i say

"really" he says 

"yes come on wake up" i say

he gets up and we finally land, once we are off the plane and grab our luggage we see a women around 40 years old.

"mum" louis says and runs to the women hugging her

"hello Louis" she says and hugs him back

they step out of a hug and Louis intrduces me 

"mum this is my girlfriend Emily, Emily this is my mum Joannah but she likes to be called Jay" he says 

"its so nice to meet you emily Lou here never shuts up about you" she says 

"really well its great to meet you too Louis always speaks of you and the girls" i say

"do you realise you are a really kind girl and I think you have found the right girl here boobear" she says and he groans

"mum don't call me boobear" he says 

"whats the difference me and the boys call you it" i say

"I just hate it but I like it when you call me boobear" he says smiling

"alright well come on you I want to meet your sisters" i say

we run and when we arrive at the car we get in and soon we arrive at his house and walk in

"LOUIS" I hear girls scream and 4 four girls appear and hug him

"hey girls I would like you to meet my girlfriend Emily" he says and kisses my cheek

"hi I'm Lottie and this is fizzy, and those to munchkins and daisy and phoebe" she says 

"its nice to meet you all" i say

"same with you boobear talks about you all the time" fizzy says 

"i hope he says nice things" i say

"oh he does" lottie says 

we get to know each other and then go to bed because we are jet lagged tomorrow is Louis' birthday and believe me he will love his presents hopefully

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