Chapter 63 ~ furniture

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Louis' pov

so today me and Emily were picking the furniture out for our baby girl and I thought it would be a good idea to get letter for the door but paint the door pink. we were at the furniture store and got the stuff and then went home. 

once we got home we made the cott and it once it was all set up it was fantastic 

"Emily" i say

"yeah Lou" she says

"how about we write her name on the door but have a pink door" i say

"yeah and then that is her room" she says 

we did the door and looked fantastic and it was is clothes and getting the baby bag completed and stuff packed just incase she goes into labour

I am getting so excited for Chloe-Grace we only have nearly 2 months left its getting closed 

authors note : sorry for the shortness of the chapter. this would be Baby chloe-grace's room on the side

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