Chapter 41 ~ Tour finish

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Emily Pov

so today is the last tour date, we are back in London now and its the last concert. it was at the o2 and that was massive. we had to write the set list and then practise, after because as soon as the concert was finished me and Lou were going back to the flat picking up our luggage and then off on holiday for two weeks in Hawaii. no boys, just me and Louis and we can do anything we want. The set list goes like this

emily: sc8ter boy

emily: human

emily and Louis: millionaires

boys come out, emily for wardrobe change

boys: more than this

boys: i would

boys: c'mon, c'mon

wardrobe change 

boys: i got a felling, stereo hearts, valarie and torn mash up

emily: waka waka (shakira cover)

twitter questions

boys: na, na, na

boys: viva la vida

boys: kiss you

boys: last first kiss

boys: memories

emily: part of me

emily: wing

emily: dna

boys: summer love

boys and emily: what makes you beautiful (encore)

thats how that goes. we had alrady practised so it was a case of waiting now. I was waiting for mine and Louis' holiday. people would count touring as a holiday but it isn't because you don't get to stay in one place for so long. anyway my thought were interupting by a knocking

"come in" i say and Louis walks in and closes the door

"hey babe you ok?" he says smiling

"yeah I just can't wait for our holiday" i say placing my arms round his neck and his arms round my waist. 

"me either but anyway Lou says she wants you to have a shower, then get in your outfit and the she will be in to do hair and make up so I'll see you later"he says and kiss' but lips before he gets shouted at as soon as he walks out we hear Lou shout

"come on Louis let me get you sorted so I can go attend to Emily" she says 

"I'm coming" he says 

I go take a shower and change which was exactly like Louis the stripes, skinny jeans and vans. once I came out I heard a knock

"come in" i say and Lou comes in and I sit down and she starts to curl my hair

"so I hear you and Louis are going to hawaii after this" she says 

"yeah just a little holiday you know I mean most people would class this as a holiday bu you don't really get to stay in one place for to long so yeah he said we could go away" i say

"well thats good and I guess your right about the holiday thing but anyway make up and then done" she says

she finishes her master piece and I walk out smiling and putting on my ear pieces and grabbing my microphone.

after the concert we were all tired but me and Lou were going on holiday now

"bye guys see you in two weeks maybe more" Lou says smiling as he wrapped his arm round me 

"see ya make sure you USE PROTECTION" harry says 

"shut up harry" i say

thats when we left the o2 and drove home picked up the suitcases and then off we went to the airport

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