Chapter 21 ~ pet shop volenteering

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Louis' pov

so today me and the boys were doing some work at the animal shelter and then after I would go visit Emily at work. 

we have just arrived at the animal shelter and we were greated by loads of animals that were so cute, they had puppies, kittens, goldfish and other animals. We played with all the animals and thats when I saw the cutest puppy ever. Its was a black labrador and was being playful with a carrot toy. I walked up to it and picked it up.

"you are adorable" i say and smile at the puppy and put it down and walk back to the boys

"hey guys do you think Emily will like a puppy" i say

"yeah sure she will why?" harry says

"because they have the cutest black lab here and I want it so much" i say

"well get it but make it a surprise" Liam says

"ok thanks guys" i say and walk to the desk

"hi how can I help you" the guys at the desk says

"hi I was looking at your black lab and I was wondering if i could buy it but come pick it up later" i say

"sure let me go get him" he says 

he comes back with the black lab and sits him behind the desk

"he's all ready will you be picking him up later" he says

"yes its just I want it as a surprise for my girlfriend" i say

"aw he will be the best anyway can you sign the forms and then when you come back you can have him" he says 

i sign the paper work and say bye to the boys and go visit emily at work

Louis tomlinson is my babysitter! WHY?Where stories live. Discover now