Chapter 52 ~ home from honeymoon

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Emily's pov

so today we are come back to London our beloved home. I didn't want to leave new york we did loads on shopping and it was fanastic. Louis said he would like to move here but we can't because of his work but when we are older he says. we arrive at the airport and check in and go straight to the jet and was sent home.

12 hours later back in London

we have just arrived back in London and we collected our bags and went home, I was so jet lagged and all I wanted to do was sleep with my wonderful husband next to me. Louis looked so tired when he was in the car luckily we had no accident and when we arrived we took the bags inside and left then took them upstairs. When we got in our room I instintly ran to our bed and jumped on it.

"I see someone wants to go to sleep then" Louis says 

"yeah I do come sleep with me I can't sleep on my own" i say

"well thats a good thing I'm tired to then isn't it" he says stripping to his boxers and I got into my pjs and then got back into bed laying in Louis arms and fell asleep. 

my sleep was amazing and it was the next morning now considering we got in late last night but Lou wasn't next to me. I wondered where he was and then I heard pots and pans go. he's in the kitchen. I got up and walked downstairs and he was standing there with a mug of tea and giving up obviously cooking

"morning I guess you give up with the cooking" i say pointing to the pans on the floor

"yep anyway want some tea" he says 

"no thanks I'll have a coffee instead" i say

"ok then" he says 

I have my mug of coffee and all we did was watch films all day. Then I wondered what it would be like if we had a family to do this with

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