chapter 10 ~ the dreaded phone call

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emily's pov

me and lou were sitting on the hammock in the back graden just swinging ever so slightly I was curled into his side and we were looking at the stars, thats when my phone starts to ring

"sorry Lou" i say

"its fine answer it" he says

"hello" i say

"hi is this Emily edwards" the person says

"Yes this is she who is this" I say

"hi I'm doctor jenner here and I have some bad news unfortunatly while your parents were on holiday they got killed and I am phoning to tell you we have cremated them and we will send the ashes to your home" he says

"what" i say

"I'm sorry emily, but I have to go sorry for your loss bye" he says

"oh my god" i say

"whats up emily" louis says pulling me down

"my parents-there dead louis" i say and cry into his shirt

"oh my god I'm so sorry emily look we won't go on the date you need to recover" he says

"no its fine we can still go" i say

"are you sure I mean your parents have just died" he says

"I know but there ashes are being sent here so I guess I have to leave the past behind and know they are looking upon me" i say

"wow that was deep but if your ok, anyway lets pack up and go inside yeah and get to bed" he says

"can you carry me" i say

"sure anything for you"he says and picks me up

i fall asleep in his arms and thats where I want to be all the time now

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