chapter 44 ~ week 2

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Emily's pov

so its our last week here in hawaii, to say I have had fun is an understatment. I mean yes we did have sex what twice, and we explored and relaxed anything a young couple could want on a holiday. today is saturday and we leave monday so we decided to soak up the sun today and pack tomorrow because we leave early monday morning and it seemed right. 

we were laying on the beach and I was laying in Louis' arms on a towel with our sunglasses on looking at the sun well my eyes were closed. Louis wispered in my ear saying how sexy I looked and stuff being saductive but when I opened my eyes I could see a giant bulge in Louis trunks not that I was looking. 

"babe are you hard or something" i wispered and he nodded 

"want to go do it as our last day in Hawaii" i say 

"really?" he says and I nod and he picks me up hands on my bum picking up the towel and then as soon as we get inside I get pushed against the wall 

"are you sure you want to do this?" he says aww he is so caring and treats a women nicely

"yes now take me upstairs before I change my mind" i say and kiss him

he walks up the stairs and lays me on the bed we have been in for the past two weeks and grabs a condom straight away but not before everything like the fingering which his hands are so delicate at and then his tounge going inside. I had an idea

"Louis go get the wipped cream and chocolate sauce" i say

"what why?" he says 

"well you will know when you come back in here" i say

he goes downstairs and gets the stuff and then lays on top still in my bikinii and him still in his board shorts or swimming trunks. 

"what is this for then" he says 

"well if you place the wipped cream inside me you can lick me out and I can suck your penis which there is chocolate sauce on it" i say and he takes off my bikinii and he takes off his swim trunks and sticks the nozel up inside

"tell me when to stop ok?" he says 

he squirts it up and I say stop and he dipps down his head licking my cum and wipped cream juices after a couple more times of this I flip him over and it was my turn with the chocolate sauce and his penis. I squeezed the chocolate sauce in my hands covering his penis and then placing it in my mouth sucking on it.  we do this and then I put the protection on him and he enters and we just do it hard and fast.

its about the 4th round now and we are both at our highs but Louis is trying to ride them out

"babe hold on ok" he pants 

"babe I can't OH MY GOD Louis its no use I am going to cum and I can feel it" i say

"why don't we both cum and then cuddle" he says 

"sounds like a plan on 3" i say

"ok 3" he says 

"2" i say

"1" we both say and we cum and he exits me and I cuddle into him

"that was amazing babe I swear you get better every time" i say

"you get better everything to babe its was fantastic and nice idea" he says and thats when we falla sleep saying night to each other and saying we love each other

sunday morning

I wake up completly naked and the memories of last night flooded back and it was amazing. all our clothes were everywhere and Louis was turned on his side away from me. the duvet was at his waist and was showing his back and he had scratch marks on his back from last night, I place my arm over his waist and place head on his bicep and trace his six pack with my finger. As I was doing this he woke up and tackled me laying on top of me holding his weight

"good morning beautiful" he says in his sexy morning voice

"good morning handsome" i say and kiss his lips

"we need to pack today don't we" he says

"yes unfortunatly" i say

"I wish we could stay here forever" he says 

"I know" i say 

we start to pack and then finish around 9pm we only had a couple of hours until we had to be at the airport. I didn't want to go home 

Louis tomlinson is my babysitter! WHY?Where stories live. Discover now