Chapter 68 ~ Family visit

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Louis' pov

so my family were coming down today to see baby chloe-grace for the first time and we're staying in a hotel and then were going home. the door bell rang and Emily went to get it while I held chloe who was sleeping in my arms with a dummy in her mouth. all the girls and mum came in and I smiled and wispered hi and then looked back down at Chloe. everyone sat around me and Emily brought a cup of tea to mum, me and herself and drinks for the girls. I decided to take chloe up to her room so she can sleep and then came back downstairs

"right hello mum and girls sorry about me being quiet but chloe was asleep but she's up in her cott now so we can talk properly" i say

"well hello to you too boobear" mum says

"mum" i groan

"well Emily calls you that" she says

"sometimes most of the time I call him honey or something else but yeah he has too many nicknames" Emily replies

we sit there and chat and unfortunatly no-one got to hold chloe because she was asleep but they got to see her at least anyway after they left I got a call from liam

"hi Lou can you come down to simon's we need a meeting" he says 

"what about" i say

"I don't know but yeah I'll meet you there" he says and ends the call

I tell emily and then leave to go to simon's this cannot be good

I arrive at the office and walk in and all the boys and simon are sat there

"sorry for being late but yeah you know the reason with Chloe" i say 

"thats the reason we are here Louis. Basically you have a family now and its not fair for you to be jetting of places all the time so we are splitting you up and you can get on with your normal lives. you will have a two month tour and then thats it" simon says 

"wow I guess thats nice your thinking of me but what about you boys" i say

"well I was the one that said about it Louis and we are all busy with our own lives" Harry says

"well thanks harry I really appreciate it" i say 

now I have to tell Emily that I am free as a bird now hey I like that saying cool. I guess its better than saying something else but no more tours and time with my family. Peaceful now

Louis tomlinson is my babysitter! WHY?Where stories live. Discover now