chapter 26 ~ tour!

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Emily's pov

so today we officially go on tour, Oh my god I am so excited not only that I get to see the boys everyday but I get to meet Danielle and Perrie. Me and Lou already packed and all that was left to do now was strip the sheets a put a new one on, place sooty in a cage and throw food away that won't last. when I woke up Louis was sleeping like a baby with his arm round my waist and sooty was laying on the bottom of the bed on his back, legs in the air ears flapped out. They both Looked so adorable, I got up and went downstairs and made breakfest which was pancakes with wipped cream and strawberries, I sorted out the food and when that was done Louis came down and let out a yawn. I gave him his morning cup of tea and kissed him on the lips

"what was that for" he says

"just to say good morning anyway pancakes with wipped cream and strawberries how does that sound" i say

"that sounds perfect let me just go let sooty out and hopefully them should be done correct" he says

"yep they should" i say

"ok then come on sooty" he says and goes out the back with his cup of tea

when he came back in 5 minutes later we ate breakfest and chatted and then changed and stripped the bed sheets putting on a new one. I made him take out the rubbish and then we brought down our cases. When the boys arrived we put sooty in the cage and his face was so sad, he hated it already. Liam and zayn said we would meet the girls at the airport and stuff.

when we got to the airport we meet with the girls 

"hey you must be emily I'm danielle and this is perrie" the girl with brown hair says

"yes thats me and its so great to meet you the boys never shut about you both" i say

"we can say the same with him not shutting up about you" perrie says

"well I hope he says good things" i say

"always anyway is this your dog" danielle says

"yes thats him" i say

"whats his name" perrie says

"sooty" i say 

he lets out a little bark and we tell him to shh and he does we place everything in the plane and off we went first stop America! :) 

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