Chapter 24 ~ a puppy?

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Emily's pov

"Emily you ready for your surprise" he says 

"yep cna I see it" i say

"well here I'll give you a clue" he says and gives me a bag

it was full of leads and bowls and toys and I was so confused

"your confused arn't you" he says smiling

"very" i say

"well here's your surprise" he says bringing me a box and when I open the lid there sat a black labradore puppy

"you got me a puppy" i say

"yeah he's cute isn't he" he says

"yeah he's adorable. oh thank you Louis" i say and I give him a hug and a kiss

"your welcome babe" he says

"so what do you want to call him" he says

"I like sooty" i say

"sooty it is maybe we could get another called sweep and a girl called sue" he says

"are you naming sooty character names now" i say

"yes problem?" he says

"no problem" i say 


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