chapter 31 ~ back on tour!

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Louis' pov

so after 2 amazing weeks with Emily we finally ahd to go back on tour for another 3 months. she loved the holiday and I did to we got privacy but we didn't do any naughty stuff just yet, we were close to it but she wasn't ready and I respect her wishes and I will wait. Then a thought came to my head, in 1 month it will be our 6 month anniversary, I will have to get her something nice something that reads Emily. I thought flowers and then considering she has a pandora bracelet maybe a new charm. Then matching necklaces, mine would have an E for Emily and she would have an L for Louis. Perfect. 

we arrived at the tour bus and zayn and perrie, Liam and danielle were on board. Emily ran and hugged the girls and they spoke about their trips, and me and the boys chatted about ours

"so how was paris" liam says

"it was beautiful and it was with the love of my life and she really enjoyed it and thats what matters" i say

"yeah I guess so did you do anything naughty" zayn says

"no we did not we were close but no she isn't ready and I respect her for that when she is ready we will do it bu until then we won't do anything" i say

"Louis that is so sweet" liam says 

"I guess anyway how were your trips" i say

"australia was amazing and stunning" zayn says 

"new york was crazy and full of shopping trips" liam says 

"cool well I guess we better unpack then" i say and walk into the little rooms we all had

I unpacked and while I was standing at the wardrobe I felt arms round my waist

"hey Louis" emily says

"hey babe you alright" i say

"yeah just came to unpack" she says 

"ok then need help?" i say

"sure you can help and then do you have a concert tonight" she says

"no we don't its on the road to spain why?" i say

"because all i want to do is cuddle with you because I'm so tired" she says 

"aww sure we can babe because I'm tired to but let me go tell the boys and you get changed" i say

I walk in and tell the boys and then go knock on the door

"come in" she says 

"why did you knock" she says

"I wanted to know if you were decent" i say

"aww your so cute and respect me so much thank you Louis" she says and kisses my lips

I pick her up bridal style and lay her in bed covering her and then got in myself and we snuggled together

"I love you Louis" she says 

"I love you too emily Goodnight Love" i say

"goodnight my carrot king" she says and we fall asleep 

Louis tomlinson is my babysitter! WHY?Where stories live. Discover now