chapter 30 ~ 2 weeks in Paris?

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Emily's pov

we just got to the airport and we sined in our luggage but Louis hasn't said a word and I really want to know and he has never kept a secret this long from me.

"Louis when are you going to tell me where we are going" i say

"well when we get on the plane which is now you will find out won't you" he says and we walk to the plane

when we get on and all the other passangers are on and they close the door the stewardess says

"hello all and welcome to this british airways flight to Paris we will be taking off soon and we will have the safety checks as well thank you for flying British airways" she says 

"Louis your taking me to paris" i say with tears in my eyes

"yes that what my surprise was, please don't cry this is supoose to be happy don't you want to go to paris for two weeks" he says nervously

"no I do its just you have never kept a secret from me and I am surprised but I'm happy you are and I can't thank you enough but thats why I love you" i say and kiss his lips

"I love you too and I am glad you like the idea" he says and smiles

Louis tomlinson is my babysitter! WHY?Where stories live. Discover now