Chapter 48 ~ dresses!

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Emily's pov

so today me, danielle and the little mix girls were going dress shopping for the dresses. My dress and brides maids. (A/n: on this chapter you will see the brides maid dresses and then her dress on the wedding chapter) I woke up and Louis wasn't in bed and I looked around but then heard the shower. 5 minutes later he poped his head out from behind the door.

"good morning Love" he says

"morning boobear" i say

"you alright" he says coming out in a towel

"yeah need to go get ready for dress fitting and stuff" I say getting out of bed and walking over kissing his cheek and walking into the bathroom to have a shower and get ready. When I came out I folded my clothes up and did my make-up and then walked out of our room and downstairs and Louis was looking on his laptop with his glasses on with a notepad and a pen behind his ear. I walked up behind him and placed my arms around his shoulders and kissed his cheek.

"what are you up to then" i say

"just looking at honey moon destinations" he says taking of his glasses and placing them on top of his head and taking the pen out behind his ear and sitting me on his lap

"oh really where did you have in mind Mr Tomlinson" i say

"well I thinking new york" he says

"I would be happy with new york" i say 

"well new york it is then and we can go for two weeks" he says 

"well that is wonderful anyway I need a cup of tea and some toast and then I must dash because I have to go to the dress shop" i say getting off his lap setting two mugs out and placing toast in the toaster and then eating it and drinking my tea while Louis booked the honeymoon. I finished breakfest gave him a kiss on the cheek and ran off saying I would give him a proper kiss later.

I arrived at the dress shop and everyone was here and we saw the perfect dress for brides maids and me and got them ordered in and then we left and got lunch. Then I went home, when I got there Louis was sitting on the sofa in tears. I ran up to him and engulfed him into a hug

"Louis whats wrong" i say

" pas-ssed away" he says and bursts into more tears

"oh baby I'm sorry" i say and rock us slightly I calm him down and go make a cup of tea for us each and he drinks it and I think we need a little break

"baby I think we need to go somewhere for a bit, I think Doncaster go see your family because the wedding and this now is making it no better. tell you what I'll phone your mum and if she says yes we will set of later ok" i say and he nods 

i get on the phone straight away to jay

"hello" she says

"hi jay its Emily" i say 

"oh hello sweetheart I hear you've heard the news" she says sniffing

"yes I have and I'm sorry for your loss but can we maybe come down for a couple of weeks maybe come down today because with the wedding and then this its not good for Louis and I was thinking it ould get our minds off it and we haven't seen you since christmas so what do you say" i say

"sure its always nice to see you guys well I better let you guys pack and tell Louis not to worry about anything I know he misses her dearly but tell him it happened for a reason" she says and we say bye to each other and we go up and start packing

"Louis" i say

"yes Babe" he says 

"your mum said not to worry and that she knows you dearly miss her but it happened for a reason" i say

"I know can I have a hug" he says and I nod and walk over and give him one and I pull him back and wipe his tears 

"do you want that proper kiss now" i say and he nods and I kiss his lips with passion. I pull away and he smiles and we finish packing and then set off to doncaster for a week because then its cake testing and then in a month its the actual wedding. wow time passes fast

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