Kill The Lights {2}

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                “It’s getting late. Shall we go swimming?” Shane offered, setting down his controller.

                Outside, it was too dark to see anything. The stars twinkling in the sky were the only real visible thing.

                “We shall,” I said, jumping up and tossing my controller onto Shane’s chair.

                We quickly changed into our swim trunks. Shane began to pull out chips and alcohol from under his bed.

                “Go tell Mitch,” he said, wrestling with a bag of chips that was stuck on something under his bed. God only knows what was lurking under Shane’s bed.

                “Gotchu,” I said, leaving his room and heading down to Mitch’s. Forgetting that Mitch preferred people to knock, I opened his door and let myself in.

                As soon as I stepped into his room, I was surprised. Mitch usually locked his bedroom door. He didn’t like it when people came into his room.

                Mitch looked up at me from his bed. He had a book balancing on his knees and was sipping on a soda.

                “Well you could lock me up in your heart and throw away the key. Won’t you take me out of my head?” his speakers sang next to him.

                He reached over and turned the music off. He looked at me, waiting for me to speak. I shifted awkwardly, wishing I had just knocked on the damn door.

                “Sorry I busted into your room. I forgot to knock,” I said. Wow, way to go Captain Obvious.

                “I noticed. Then again, I never expect you or Shane to knock. You guys don’t know what manners are,” he said, shutting his book and stretching. “Night swimming?”

                I nodded. “Yep. Get changed and meet us outside.”      

                He raised an eyebrow at me after a moment. “What, did you want to watch me change? Get out of my room, Jace.”

                I blushed. “Oops,” I said and hastily left his room, shutting the door.

                Shane was waiting for me down the hallway. I helped him carry everything out to the pool deck. He turned on the lights in the pool, sending the clear blue water sparkling.

                Shane dipped his toe in the water. “That’s refreshing,” he said, grinning.

                I went over and put my foot in, relaxing at how comfortable the water temperature was. It was so humid out that my hair was starting to stick to my neck.

                “Are you just going to poke it with your toes, or get in?” Mitch asked, stepping out onto the deck.

                I pulled off the tank top I was wearing and tossed it on a chair. I backed up a little before running and diving into the refreshing water.

                My head broke the surface, only to be splashed with water as Shane jumped in ungracefully next to me. Mitch jumped in after him, much more graceful than either of us.

                Shane reached over and grabbed beers, handing them to each of us. We opened them and leaned against the edge of the pool as we drank.

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