Kill The Lights {5}

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                “What took you so long?” Shane asked, sitting at the counter as I walked into the kitchen.

                “Had to plan my revenge against you and Mitch,” I said, hopping up on the chair next to him. “Where is Mitch, anyways?”

                Shane shrugged. “He took off. Good riddance to him.”

                “You know I live here too, right?” Mitch said, coming into the kitchen and pulling the refrigerator open. He pulled out a water bottle and kicked the door shut.

                “Are you done killing time with us for today?” Shane asked.

                My heart sank a little as Mitch nodded. I watched Mitch as he turned and disappeared out of the room.

                “Hey, stop zoning out,” Shane said, snapping in my face. “What’s gotten into you lately?”

                “I wish I knew,” I said, shaking my head.

                “Seriously, did Mitch do something?” he asked.

                I shook my head again. “No, man. I swear Mitch didn’t do anything. Well, other than bruising my arm and throwing me in the pool.”

                Shane cracked a grin. “I’m guilty of half of that, and you’re not acting weird around me.”

                “What’s happening to me lately,” I groaned, banging my head against the counter.

                Shane pat me on the back. “I think we need to get you out of here and away from Mitch. Let’s go to the park and be delinquents together.”

                I picked my head up and nodded. “Sounds like a plan.”

                We jumped up and went out to the car. Shane drove us to the nearby park and we went over to the monkey bars, climbing up on them and turning on Shane’s speakers.

                “As I focus on the clock, time stands still but I cannot. I should strap myself in bed, I guess I’ll sleep when I am dead,” the music cried.

                Our legs swung over the side of the monkey bars as we sat and listened to music. The park was usually pretty quiet since it was so small, so it was a favorite hang out of mine and Shane’s. We had killed time here ever since we were little kids.

                “Oh no,” Shane groaned. “Isn’t that Winchester’s little brother?”

                I looked over and also groaned. “Maybe he’s not here. Maybe it’s just the kid and the parents,” I said hopefully.

                Austin Winchester was quite possibly the most obnoxious human being on the planet, and I despised him with every little part of my being. He was our friend’s old roommate, and he stalked the hell out of us, convinced that we were all best friends who skipped off into the sunset holding hands and humming cheery tunes.

                In reality, Shane and I hated the guy. He had started creeping on Mitch, too, and Mitch hated him. I’m pretty sure everyone except his parents hated him, to be honest. He was annoying, creepy, clingy, and he chewed food with his mouth open.

                “Shane, hide,” I said in alarm as Austin came into view, following after his kid brother.

                But Austin looked up at the sound of our music and his eyes lit up. He broke out into the weirdest smile I had ever seen in my life and literally ran over to us waving his hand frantically.

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