Kill The Lights {21}

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                I rolled over and grabbed my phone, checking it. I still didn’t have any new messages from Mitch, and it was now morning.

                To: Mitch

                My turn to be the overly clingy girlfriend. Why didn’t you ever text me back?

                I sat up, rubbing my eyes. I crawled out of bed and stumbled my way out to the kitchen, dropping into a chair at the counter.

                “Good morning!” mom said brightly. “I’ll make you some pancakes.”

                “You’re the best mom ever,” I said.

                “Maybe someday I’ll teach you how to fend for yourself,” she said, laughing as she started to make the pancake batter.

                I watched her, jealous at how easy she made it look. If I tried to make pancakes, they would probably spontaneously combust.

                My phone buzzed in my pocket, snapping me out of my depressing thoughts. I pulled my phone out and checked the new message.

                From: Mitch


                I mentally sighed at his text message. There he goes again, being secretive Mitch. Not offering up an explanation. Just expecting that “sorry” would be enough, and no one would ask him any questions.

                I forced myself to calm down. He had been with a friend. Maybe they had had some drinks. After all, Mitch had only promised not to go out with his friends. I was the one who was supposed to stay away from alcohol.

                Mom slid me a plate of pancakes a few minutes later and sat down next to me with a plate of her own. We ate in comfortable silence and I helped her clean up when we were done eating.

                “Shall we finish our puzzle?” she offered.

                “We shall,” I said, smiling and following her back to the dining room.

                We played music and chatted lightly as we finished putting together our puzzle. By the time we were done, it was early afternoon.

                The phone rang and I got up, grabbing it. “Hello?” I answered.

                “Oh- Hi Jace!” my mom’s best friend, Sarah, said.

                “Hi Sarah,” I said, feeling embarrassed. I was gone so often that people were actually surprised when I answered the phone.

                “Is your mom there? I need her to come over and help me set up the house for a party tonight,” she said.

                “Uh…sure. Hang on,” I said and handed my mom the phone.

                Mom began to talk to Sarah as I sat down and looked at our finished puzzle. I was almost sad that my mom was going to have to leave. I was having fun with her.

                “Alright, bye,” she said eventually, hanging up the phone. “Jace-”

                “Mom, Sarah needs your help,” I said, forcing a smile for her sake. “Go help her. I’ll be fine. I’ll go hang out with Mitch.”

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