Chapter 1:

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A wide grin fell on my lips as i stepped out of the small black taxi.

This was going to be good for me, a fresh start was exactly what i needed.

My eyes wandered around the grey cobbled streets of Birmingham, as the dusty smell of coal and smoke filled my lungs.

While taking my luggage out of the taxi, the cabbie turned to me.

'What's a nice girl like you doing in Small Heath? Everyone knows the streets down here are nothing but trouble'

I chuckled rummaging through my purse for some loose shillings. 'Don't worry Mr, there cant be any kind of trouble down here that i haven't had to deal with before'

He raised an eyebrow and chuckled, taking my payment. 'Well then you obviously aven't heard of the Peaky Blinders'

I rolled my eyes instinctively and smirked. 'They cant be that bad if i've never heard of them'

The cabbie stared at me stunned. 'Don't let the name fool you lass. These men mean business, dangerous business'

I gave the man a reassuring smile. 'Don't worry, i can handle myself'

He tipped his hat my way before jumping into the cab and driving off into the distance.

Dangerous business? I was from London's east end-  I knew what dangerous business was. Whatever 'trouble' that cabbie was referring to had to be child's play compared to the war-fare up in London.

My eager eyes rested upon Small Heath, my mind already racing with the endless possibilities this place held.

This was gonna be my city.


After walking for about 5 minutes I finally found what would be my new home.

A couple of weeks earlier I had travelled to Birmingham and purchased a little store from a lovely elderly couple. Situated right in the middle of all the local shops and enterprises, it seemed perfect. The shop was a decent size, not too big and not too small- but what really sold me was the apartment space above it.

If i was really going to be committed to restarting my life down here in Small Heath, then i had to take things seriously. Having my home right above my own business seemed like the first step in that direction- so i sealed the purchased instantly.

I turned the key in the door and stepped into my new life.

The shop was a bit bare now- but that was all about change.

After hours of renovating, cleaning, and decorating, 'Jones's Betting Company' was finally starting to take shape. I set up boards, posters and even a little desk off to the side; overall the place was looking pretty damn good.

I had noticed upon arrival another betting shop a few streets over, but I was sure i could handle any kind of trouble that came my way. After all, i had been in the betting business for the best part of 8 years. Plus if this betting business didn't work out I did always have my side business.

I had quite the talent (if i do say so myself) for making sexy and promiscuous lingerie. Anything from lacy thongs, silk bralettes and even cotton corsets. Despite the fact we live in the roaring 20's, and i do consider myself quite the independent flapper girl, working class society seems to frown upon this. If i was caught openly selling suggestive under-garments, half the women would want me hung and half the men would want me driven out of town. They just cant seem to cope with the idea of a woman loving and revealing her body- but that wasn't gonna stop me.

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