Chapter 12:

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A couple of hours had passed since i'd got back from Alfie Solomon's office and i couldn't stop my mind from wondering to Tommy every so often. It was the little things he did that made me absentmindedly want him, but then i would be snapped out of my enchanted haze by him doing something insulting or idiotic.

It was like a tug of war between the emotion of attraction and the emotion of hatred.

I was brought out my brief daydream by John urgently making his way into the shop. His cheeks were rosy and his breathing was slightly un-even, signalling he had been rushing around god knows where.

'Em' He said swiftly, making his way over to the desk. 'I need your help'

'What is it?' I asked pressingly, wanting to know what had gotten him so worked up.

'Me and Arthur are going up to London tonight to deal with some business and i need someone to look after the kids'

John had 4 kids from a previous marriage which he was now unfortunately a widow to. They were the cutest bunch of angels and definitely inherited the Shelby wits and head-strong attitude, but boy were they a handful.

I bit my lip shaking my head. 'I dunno Johnboy, i love your kids i really do, it's just i'm not really the babysitting type'

'It's just for one night' He pleaded. 'Ive asked everyone else and they're all too busy. Zelda and Michael are going out, Pol has left Birmingham to see some old friends, Finn and Isaiah are looking after the shop, Ada is god knows where, and i cant really be asking Tommy to look after them, he's got far too much on his plate'

I could see the desperation in his eyes; he and Arthur weren't exactly in Tommy's good books at the moment due to the whole Inspector Campbell mess, so this job in London must have been really important if he was willing to leave the kids for it.

I sighed and nodded. 'Fine, i'll do it. But you owe me big time Johnboy'

He reached over the desk, grabbed my face and planted a big kiss on my cheek. 'You're a bloody angel'

I chuckled shaking my head as i shooed him out the shop.

It looked like i was in for quite the night.


I arrived at the Shelby Household at around 9pm. John greeted me at the door, his hair slightly messed from trying to get the kids to bed before i came, but it looked like he had failed miserably. John's kids ranged from the ages, 2,4,5 and 7; two girls and two boys.

I walked into the living room to see toys everywhere, pillows thrown on the floor, and 3 pairs of little feet running around the house.

John handed me the fourth child Rony, the youngest of the bunch, as i rested him on my hip.

'After about an hour they would have worn themselves out and by that time they'll conk out ready to go to sleep. Make them breakfast in the morning, as we should be back around 10am'

I nodded as he and Arthur made their way to the door.

John turned to me. 'If you need help, or if there's any type of emergency, call Tommy, he has a real knack for the whole uncle thing'

My eyes widened.

Tommy Shelby? Good with kids? I didn't expect that.

I nodded and pulled him and Arthur in for a quick peck on the cheek. 'Be careful up there, don't do anything stupid'

'Careful's my middle name sweetheart' Arthur grinned, making me chuckle as they got into the car and drove off.

I turned back to the house, ready to face the 4 little terrors that waited inside.

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