Chapter 5

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*The Next Day*

The lingerie business had really started to pick up steam thanks to Pol and Zelda's word-of-mouth advertising. Floods of women were making their way into 'Jones Betting Shop' by the hour,!and i couldn't stop the smile on my face from growing. These women were feeling so liberated, free and happy with their bodies all because of my saucy knickers and bras.

To celebrate her new set of promiscuous nightwear, our new found friendship, and the success of my little underground franchise, Poll decided to take me, Zelda, and bunch of other sexually liberated women to the Garrison for free glasses of wine.

I was a bit weary about going just because i would be on Shelby turf and not my own, but Pol reassured me that although the stunt i pulled yesterday was not in the best interest of her family's business, she had no personal vendetta against me and that that was all i needed for protection.

About 12 of us sat around a big circle table in the corner of the Garrison, keeping our tones hushed as we discussed our favourite type of thong and our favourite sex position. I had to say it was one of the best drinking dates i'd ever had. I grew very close to Ada (Ada Shelby) in particular, due to the fact we shared very similar views on things like romance, art, and literature - plus the fact she was Tommy's sister made our friendship just that little bit more sweeter.

We were currently on our 2nd glasses of wine as Ada began to spill the beans on her secret relationship with Freddy Thorne.

'I just dunno why my family resents him so much' She sighed.

I bit my lip. 'You've gotta give em' a little bit of credit Ada, I mean he is a bloody communist'

She chuckled at my choice of wording and nodded. 'I know I know. But apart from you he's the only person round here whose had the balls to stick up to the Blinders'

I nodded understanding where she was coming from. 'I know what you mean, but the longer you keep this relationship from your family the longer they're gonna resent him'

She nodded, finishing off her glass of red. 'I think i'm gonna need a few more glasses before i even come close to telling the truth'

I grinned standing up. 'Well i'll get the next round then'

I made my way over to the bar and gave Harry a friendly smile.

'2 more glasses of red please Harry' I giggled, slightly tipsy.

He chuckled nodding in my direction before getting to work on my order.

I was all happy and giggly until my eyes landed on Tommy, and saw that he was making his way over to the bar.

I rolled my eyes instinctively as he sipped his whiskey. 'You seem to have the women in this town wrapped around your little finger'

'Well what do you expect when all the men around here are arrogant little boys?' I grinned spitefully.

He grabbed my arm firmly, coming closer to me. 'Watch your mouth Jones, you're in my pub remember'

I ripped my arm out of his grip as Harry came over with my 2 glasses of wine. I took them off him me and gestured towards Tommy. 'Mr Shelby will be paying for these'

And with that I made my way back over to the girls, the sound of Tommy's dark, haunting, laugh sending shivers down my spine.

If there was one thing i didn't need right now it was that man becoming curious in my black-market lingerie shop. If he got word of my little secret there was no doubt in my mind that he'd rip me and my business to shreds; I was not gonna let that happen.

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