Chapter 15:

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The time was 6:30, and I was currently curling my hair and applying a light coat of mascara to my top lashes. Although me and Tommy were meeting purely for business purposes, it didn't hurt to put a little bit of effort into the occasion.

Asif on cue there was a knock on my bedroom door, as Zelda walked in with 2 cups of tea.

She raised an eyebrow upon noticing what I was doing.

'Oooo who are you getting all dressed up for?'

'No-one' I said bluntly, but she wasn't having any of it.

I sighed knowing she wasn't going to give up easily.

'If you must know, I'm meeting Tommy at 7 to further discuss the details of our merging companies'

'And will it just be the companies merging? Or..' She teased causing me to throw a pillow in her direction.

'Oh shut up' I grinned. 'It's not like that with me and Tommy. Our relationship is purely professional'

'Professional my arse' She chuckled causing me to roll my eyes playfully as I continued to curl my hair in the mirror.

'Do you trust him?'

I was a little taken back by the sudden seriousness of the question, but I understood the concerns Zelda had. I stared at her through the reflection of the mirror, biting my lip in a contemplative manner.

'I think so.. but only time will tell'

She nodded with a caring look in her eyes.

'Be careful tonight'

I chuckled turning off my curlers and putting my coat on. 'You worry too much, I'll be fine'

She grinned as i went to leave the room. I turned back and gave her quick reassuring smile.

'I'll see you later ok?'

She nodded, and with that, i left the shop and made my way towards the Shelby's house.

I sighed as my boots clicked against the cobbled streets of Small Heath. The longer I kept the secret of my past life to myself the heavier the burden became on my shoulders. It was time i told someone, anyone, before it got told for me.

I nodded with a sudden surge of confidence.

Tommorrow would be the day.

Tommorrow i would sit everyone down: Zelda, Ada, Pol, Tommy, John, the lot of them, and tell them the truth about everything.

I just hoped they'd still accept me for me, and not the background I came from.

I must have been too caught up my own train of thought because, by the time I was done debating my own fate, I had arrived at Tommy's door.

I knocked 3 times and after a couple of minutes he finally answered, a pink blush instantly colouring my cheeks. His hair was scruffy from I assume running his hands through it all day, and his eyes were a tired shade of blue. The top 2 buttons of his shirt were undone, revealing a glimpse of his tanned chest, while one of his suspenders hung loosely off his shoulders.

After realizing I'd been staring for a little too long, the smirk on Tommy's lips confirming this, I made my way into the house.

'Where is everyone?' I asked, the silence of the house a significant change from the usual chaos that ensued every other day.

Tommy helped me take off my coat, a cigarette casually hanging out the edge of his mouth. 'Michael and Pol are off spending some quality time together, John's looking after the kids, Ada's out with Freddie, and Arthur's god knows where'

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