Chapter 27!!

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*3 weeks later*

The last 3 weeks had been somewhat of a blur.

To say the aftermath of George's death had been hectic would've been an understatement. Due to me being the last living Jones and ultimately the only heir to the King dynasty, I was now the leader of the gang, wither I liked it or not. For the past 3 weeks I'd been traveling none stop between London and Birmingham, been in countless financial and business meetings, and have ultimately been cleaning up the utter mess George had left the family business in.

As for me and Tommy, between traveling across the country 4 times a week, working 18+ hours a day, and trying to handle the role of being the leader of a notorious gang, we hardly saw each other, and even when we did it was in passing.

In light of everything that had happened things weren't exactly good between us, but things weren't exactly bad either. Even though we loved each other, there was a weird air between us, and the longer we kept leaving things the heavier the air got.

And as for me?

Well - I was spiraling.

It was like I could see myself falling down this big black hole, yet I was powerless to stop it.

It started with sleepless nights. I was lucky if I got 2 hours shut-eye, but even when i did the darkness was clouded by images of George's pale, dead face. It haunted me. As a result, I was completely shattered in the daytime, so in order to keep up with work and the Kings company I did a few lines of coke here and there to give me the boost I needed. However, a few lines of coke turned into a lot of lines of coke, and before I knew it the day had gone and it was night-time again. I was too buzzed off coke to even THINK about sleep, so I would have 5 or 6 glasses of whiskey to make me drowsy and numb, and thus- the cycle repeated itself.

I could feel myself losing control on things, but i was too low to care.

Currently I was in Jones' Betting Shop collecting papers on the Kings/ Blinders truce pact. The pact consisted of the two gangs staying in their respective regions, and the land they did co-own being shared as a corporate space for both companies to benefit from. This allowed for the Blinder's to keep their power in Birmingham and the King's to keep their power in London, and the spaces inbetween being used as a mutual ground in which stocks, shares, and information could be shared in a new-found alliance. This way no more lives would be lost and no more wars would be fought.

After gathering the various documents I needed I got out my little tube of cocaine, already feeling tired from my day's work. After tapping a small pile onto the desk in front of me, I rolled up a bank note and snorted the white powder.

I shot my head back and sighed, already feeling more energized and awake.

My eyes opened to see Tommy standing in the doorway of the shop, his eyes focused on what he had just seen me do.

This wasn't the first time he'd seen me use the drug, however these situations had been occurring more and more recently.

He stalked over to where I was standing and snatched the tube of coke out of my hand.

'Hey!' I snapped, trying to reach for the substance but he wasn't having any of it.

He looked down at me.

'You have a problem'

I rolled my eyes shaking my head.

'I do not have a problem'

Tommy sucked his teeth at my denial, his facial features turning hard with frustration.

'No more coke Emily. This habit of yours is even giving Arthur a run for his money'

Love Will Tear Us Apart - Tommy Shelby x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now