Chapter 3

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Zelda came into the shop a confused yet frightened look on her face.

'They looked very angry.. what did you say?'

She placed the groceries on the counter top and I shrugged.

'I let them know that i wasn't going to be intimidated by their empty threats'

Her eyes widened as she shook her head.

'You have no idea what you've just done'


*The Next Day*

Waking up early the next morning, I threw on a light pink dress with my winter coat and pinned my hair in a loose plait.

Before opening up the shop i decided to do a few errands and attempt to find my bearings in the close-knit Small Heath community.

After locking up, i wrapped my coat tightly around my small frame and made my way to the chemist needing a few bits and bobs for the bathroom.

I entered the quaint store, the warm air hitting my skin and instantly heating me up from the cold weather outside. I smiled as a few eyes looked my way, but no-one smiled back. I shrugged it off; they were probably not morning people.

I browsed the isles, finding a decent set of shampoo and conditioner along with a new pink toothbrush. As i tried to shop and get the things i needed, i couldn't shake the feeling that the whole store was watching me.

I warily made my way to the checkout, very much aware that cashier was almost shaking with what looked like fear in his eyes.

Placing my items on his desk, i smiled in a friendly manner. 'Hi my names Emily Jones, i'm new in town'

His eyes widened at my comment. He ignored my introduction and scanned the items swiftly.

My eyebrows furrowed as he lay his palm out in-font of me.

'Aren't you gonna tell me how much my stuff's come to?' I questioned, finding his gesture very odd.

His eyes widened even more as his lips began to tremble.

'S-s-s-ix s-h-hilling-'

I bit my lip and handed over the change. 'Are you ok?'

Sweat dripped down his temple and his eyes moved frantically around the store.

Taking this as my que to leave, i bagged my stuff and got the hell out of there.

What the fuck was all that about?

I looked up from my purchases, only to realise that people in the street were acting in the same peculiar way. Glances were frantically thrown my way as women and men hurriedly rushed down the road away from me.

I walked along the pavement my eyebrows furrowing at what was unfolding in-front of me.

One elderly lady even crossed the damn street, missing a on coming car by seconds, just because i was walking towards her.

That was it- i needed an answer as to what the fuck was going on.

I marched hastily towards the Garrison, my little heels clopping against the stone cobbles.

As i entered the fairly busy pub the room fell silent. I rolled my eyes; this shit was getting old fast.

I made my way over to Harry, the bartender, after getting fairly friendly with him last night when me and Zelda decided to go out for quick celebratory drink in light of our new betting business.

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