Chapter 13:

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'You ok Em?' Zelda asked, handing another customer their betting receipt before turning to me.

I nodded physically, but mentally i was miles away. I couldn't stop thinking about what had almost happened between me and Tommy back in the Shelby's kitchen. In that moment i wanted to kiss Tommy, more than I'd ever wanted to do something in my life, it was like some overall force pulling me towards him.

Did this mean i liked Tommy? I had no idea.

I mean, could i really desire someone like that? Someone who thrived off the gang lifestyle while i was running away from it?

On some days me and Tommy were complete polar opposites; we could barely be in the same room as each-other without arguing like a bunch of idiots. But then other days we got along like a house in fire, so much so that i could feel a connection with him that I'd never felt with anybody else.

I sighed rubbing my temples soothingly.

The whole situation was a complete mind fuck.

I turned to Zelda, biting my lip apprehensively.

'Z , if i tell you something, you've got to promise not to tell anybody'

She nodded with wide eyes, grabbing her cup of tea eager to hear what i had to tell her.

I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose.

'This morning, when i was making John's kids breakfast, me and Tommy had a moment in the kitchen'

Her eyebrows raised. 'What kind of moment?'

I scrunched my nose up dreading her reaction.

'We almost kissed'

She stepped back shaking her head, a look of complete shock painting her face.

'I thought you hated him!'

'So did I' I groaned letting my head fall onto the counter top.

Zelda moved closer lifting my head up, holding my face between her hands.

'Em you cant go there. He's a criminal! The amount of horrible things he's done' She looked up at me. 'The amount of horrible things you've seen him do, the relationship would be more trouble than its worth'

I tilted my head. 'What about you and Michael? He's part of the Peaky Blinders and you said it yourself they've done some pretty horrible things'

'That's different' She sighed. 'Em, Tommy's a cold hearted murderer'

'So am I!' I protested, causing Zelda to shake her head.

'If you're referring to those 2 men back in the alleyway then you're wrong. You did what you had to do to survive, they were killed in self defence, nothing more nothing less'

I shook my head, if only she knew what i was really capable. If only she knew the past I couldn't escape from.

'Anyway' Z said shuffling a stack of betting slips. 'You have that date with Alfie Solomans tonight, maybe he might take your fancy'

I groaned letting my head fall into my hands. 'Shit, i completely forgot'

She checked her watch and hurriedly tried to get me up. 'Well he's gonna be here in a bit, so we better go and get you ready'

I reluctantly let her lead me upstairs, but my mind was still occupied with the electric blue glow of Tommy's eyes and how inviting his lips looked accompanied by his husky morning voice.


I sighed nervously standing next to Z as we waited outside the Shelby household. Alfie had rang earlier to say he would pick me up from the Shelby's house because he didn't know where i lived, which pleased Ada to high heaven considering she wanted give me a few final beauty touches before I left.

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