Chapter 15

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Rukia's POV

I walked with hastened steps back to the manor. It was already hard enough to get away from Renji. Meeting someone else, would just be the 'icing on the cake.'

Wait! I can feel a strong spiritual pressure behind me. Although he was trying his best to conceal his reaitsu, I can still feel a lot of it. Judging by the amount of spiritual pressure he is admitting, I can tell that it's a Captian. It was captain...captain... Kuchiki! My Brother! Oh shoot! How am I going to get him off my back?!

Wait! I have an idea. But this is very risky. There's like a 50-50 chance that this will work. But, I guess it's worth a shot. I took out my little pocket mirror that I bought on my shopping spree. And quickly, I shone it at him. Good. He looks distracted. If I use my shumpo at half speed, I should be able to escape from him. But I will wait a few more minutes. Before I should act.

Wait for it...

Wait for it...


I swiftly used my shumpo at the time he was most distracted. I turned my head to look. Hoping that he didn't chase me. Yes! He's not following me. Now when he questions about this, I'll just say I was in the manor. No way could I have traveled at that speed without using my at least half of my power.


I stopped in my tracks. These spiritual pressures. They belong to Vasto Lorde, Adjuchas and Gillian... and a few hundred more hollows. So that's why he didn't even bother to chase me.

Soul society... is under attack!

Knowing the captain commander, he's probably going to call for an emergency captain meeting. I must help! With my power, I can surely defeat more than half of those hollows. But, even though sereitei is under siege, I still can't risk blowing my cover. I should go back and get my mask. Looks like I'm going to ha e to use my shumpo at full speed.

I focused all the spiritual pressure I had. Once I had enough, I used my shumpo at the fastest speed ever.

I reached the manor within seconds. I arrived right in front of my room. I slammed open the door, threw my bags onto the floor, and ran to my closet, where I kept my mask and clothes.

Once I had put on my mask, I used my shumpo to get to the meeting room. Once outside, I could hear the captain commander giving his final order.

"I want all the captains to destroy those hollows now! Get going!" The captain commander ordered.

Without further a due, all the captains flash stepped out of the meeting room. Good. Now I can go and talk with the head captain. I flash stepped in to the meeting room.

"Rukia! You are the perfect person that I want to see. Go and assist the other captains. I will come along as well."


We flash stepped to where the others were fighting. Why would the hollows even come here? They have no business here. I looked towards the captain commander. I could tell he didn't know either.

"Bankai! Daiguren Hyoirimaru!"

"Bankai! Jakuho Raikoben!"

"Bankai. Senbonzakura Kageyoshi."

"Bankai. Konjiki Ashisogi Jizo!"

"Bankai Minazuki "

"Bankai! Katen Kyōkotsu: Karamatsu Shinjū!"

"Bankai! Kokujō Tengen Myō'ō!"

So the captains are releasing their Bankai. That means something. It means that we might lose.

"Captain Commander we better hurry!" We increased our speed. They needed my help!

When the battlefield was in my sight, I saw my brother fighting a espada. From the reaitsu I'd guess he was espada number 1. Shoot! I need to help them. Behind my Brother there was another espada. Number 2. They were playing dirty! I will not let that happen. I rushed with all my might behind my Brother. Just when that espada was about to hit him, I used my kido.

"Hado no. 88 Hiryū Gekizoku Shinten Raihō!"

I blasted that espada and every other espada within range. All those around me were shocked. Especially the captains. To see the person who defeated them, help them. I heard my Brother say something.

"A hado spell over number 80 without incantation. Impossible."

The espada that nii- sama was fighting saw that he was distracted and took that opportunity to strike him. Unfortunately for him, I was faster. I flash stepped behind the espada and used my sword to cut him in half. I turned around to see a shocked nii- sama.

"Why are you helping us?" He questioned.

"Because... it's my job."

"What? What do yo-"

Before he could finish his sentence, I felt a presence behind me. An espada. I pushed nii- sama away so he wouldn't get cut. But I almost got cut myself. Lucky I managed to evade in time. But I think he cut my mask.

Shit. He did.

There was a crack on my mask. And it fell to the floor. All the captains saw my face. Including nii- sama.

"R..Rukia?! You're S.R.?!"

I turned around to face him.

"Yes. I am S.R. "

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