Chapter 16

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Byakuya's POV

"Yes. I am S.R."

Impossible. How could this be. Rukia. Rukia was the one who defeated me and all the other captains. How could she be so powerful and still only be a lieutenant. How could my little Sister be more powerful than me?!

"Rukia?! But... but how?!" It was Captain Ukitake.

"I will explain everything later. But first..." she cut another espada in half." Let's get rid of all of these hollows." She finished.

She ran forward and revealed her sword, and with one slash, a whole group of hollows disappeared.

Well if I want answers, looks like I'm going to have to get rid of all these hollows first. I released my shikai.

"Scatter. Senbonzakura." I swung my blade towards a couple of gillian. There's someone behind me. I swung my blade at the person behind me. But it managed to jump out of the way. It was an adjuchas. I flash stepped towards it and destroyed it. I have no time for all this. No matter how many I kill, ten more will appear in its place. But I have to keep fighting. To keep the peace of soul society!

I kept fighting non-stop. Until I crossed my blade with an espada. Espada no. 0

"Where is the one they call S.R.?" The espada asked me. They wanted Rukia?! But why.

"I have no obligation to answer you."

"Very well then."

He jumped back and flew up sent a blast of reaitsu into the sky. Those with Low spiritual pressure fell to the ground from all the reaitsu. But those who were still standing, looked up at that espada.

"All of you lowly shinigami, listen up. We are only searching for the one they call S.R. If he appears, then I will order my forces to withdraw. We only want HIM. But if you insist on being stubborn, we will destroy everything in soul society. And we will not stop till S.R. shows himself!"

Shit. With this kind of threat, Rukia will surely reveal herself. What should we do. I can't let Rukia fight those hollows all by herself. Even with her power, that's suicide! What should we do?!

I turned to look at Rukia but her attention was focused on the captain commander. No! She couldn't be thinking to...

"It seems that S.R. is still reluctant to show himself. Very well then."

He lifted his sword and pointed it at a group of shinigami. The more wounded group. He was going to kill them.


Everyone turned to where they heard the voice come from. But I didn't have to look to know. It was Rukia.

She flew up to where that espada was.

"I am S.R. The one you are looking for."

I could hear whispers and murmurs like ' what?! Rukia the lieutenant? Is she crazy or something!' 'Ya and what's this S.R. thing their talking about.'

"So you are the one who killed our adjuchas brothers and sisters. Along with two no. 10 espada?" I looked up at that espada.


"Ok. Then you will pay the price!"

He took out his sword and 'threw' it at her. She managed to flash step back just in time.

"Rukia!" I heard captain Ukitake and Renji say at the same time. The both of them plus a few other shinigami jumped up into the sky

"Howl! Zabimaru!"

"All waves, rise and become my shield, lightning, strike now and become my blade! Sogyo no Kotowari!"

Renting swung his extended Zabimaru at that espada but that espada just caught it and threw it down to the ground. Dragging Renji down with it.

Captain Ukitake was about to hit that espada until something blocked his path. Rukia!

"Rukia! What are you doing?! Get out of the way!" Captain Ukitake ordered.

"No! This is my fight and I fight my own battles. Please. I can handle myself."

Captain Ukitake was hesitant at first. But eventually he agreed to allow Rukia to fight that espada. He ordered the shinigami to fall back first so they wouldn't get in her way.

Both of them took out their zampakutos and took battle stances.

"Now, let's begin this fight, S.R."

"I'd rather you not call me S.R. Instead, call me Kuchiki Rukia. Lieutenant of Gotei 13, 13 squad!"

"Espada number 0, Luckz Lousien."

I am soooo sorry that I didn't update this story earlier. But I will try my best to update this story more frequently. Thank you for reading. And sorry again

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