Chapter 2// Guys Why Is The Bathroom Talking
The video above is about Rachel's Challenge, again. Are you guys crying? I am. Tell me I'm not alone. Rachel's Challenge actually started a chain reaction at my Elementary School. I have been thinking about this a lot, and yes you might be in tears while watching this video and can't imagine any of this happening, but just look, look around you bullying happens every where;
It can happen on the bus when you don't let someone sit next to you, it can happen when you don't let someone sit next to you at lunch, it can even happen as something silly as not wanting to partner up with someone for a project because you don't think they are 'cool' enough for you.
Please tell me about a experience where you have seen someone get bullied. What did you do? I don't just mean with your eyes I'm taking about anything. Talking behind someone's back, or even cyber bullying. If you don't do something while someone is getting bullied, you turn into the bully to,a bystander.
Rachel Joy Scott was the first to die in her high schools shoot out, yet her memory will forever be in out hearts.
I choke out a groan as my shoulder hits the door of my bully's car. I can't see who it is, what did I do to deserve this?
I try to crawl away slowly ignoring the pain in my shoulder that is now making its way to my elbow, "Where do you think you're going?" She screams, now I know who it is, Kimber. She kicks me in the stomach with the tip of her heals.
I slowly try to stand up but she slaps me across the face, I don't bother to fight, it's no use. "That's going to leave a bruise" She teases "Wait it's already messed up."
"I'm sorry but I thought it was your reflection." Nice comeback Ashley that is so old.
She just stands there sputtering and cries out in frustration. Maybe her brain capacity couldn't even handle something so simple. Then she turns on her heel and walks away leaving me crouched down on the ground bruised different shades of green, blue, and purple. You could ask where the teachers would be in this situation, I didn't even know. They are probably inside watching.
I groan in response as I see Lindsey run towards me, "What happened?" She sees the finger marks on my face "Oh." She helps me up and I groan in pain as I lean against the car. The people in the parking lot are completely ignoring me.
"I'm driving you home." She states.
I nod "I'm sorry." I really am, I causing her way to much trouble for someone as useless as myself. I don't even understand why she bothers to be my friend it just lowers her chance of fitting it with the popular crowd which she could get into easily if it wasn't for her constantly standing up for me when I'm getting hurt in her presence.
"You don't need to be sorry about a thing, I'm going to call Hannah so she can bring you an ice pack." She cleats her throat, "ice packs."
"Thank you" I mutter under my breath.
"And if anyone should be sorry it's me, I'm sorry I couldn't come sooner."
Currently, I'm sitting shotgun in Lindsey's car waiting at a red light as another car pulls up. It's a red Ferrari with 4 guys in it.
"Bryce was looking for you nerd," the guy calls, of course, Jace Collins.
"I told him that you could've just turned into a bird and flown over to his house," someone pouts "but they didn't listen."

he ate my homework || nomorebullying || (slowly editing)
Roman pour AdolescentsYou know that common excuse, The Dog Ate My Homework? Well, let's tweak that up just a bit to... one of the most notorious boys in your whole school ate yours. Ashley Nelson. Nerdy, geeky, straight A good girl. Pretty cliché right? Every girl believ...